Seasonal Reminders

Has Gaza woken us up?

Shaykh Abu Rumaysah Refi Shafi

If the apartheid state's genocide of Gaza doesn't force us to cleanse our hearts, I do not know what will.

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Has Gaza woken us up?

Shaykh Abu Rumaysah Refi Shafi 23 Min Read

If the apartheid state's genocide of Gaza doesn't force us to cleanse our hearts, I do not know what will.

Is Eid cancelled this year?

Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad 15 Min Read

What is the message that Imams and khatībs should deliver in light of the ongoing Gaza genocide, and can we celebrate?

It is time to put the Mawlid debate to rest

Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad 9 Min Read

This is a call to have a different type of “celebration” of the birth of the Prophet ﷺ.

Prophet Mūsa’s message of advocacy to the Ummah

Maira Mirza 6 Min Read

Activists and advocates can learn from the example of Prophet Mūsa by looking at his strive and struggle against persecution and oppression.

Reclaim Prophet Musa in Muharram

Editor 13 Min Read

The fast of ʿĀshūra is in the month of Muharram, and it is enough to know that Allah aligned the month of Muharram with His own name.

Lessons for the Ummah as we bid farewell to Dhul Hijjah

Hamdija Begovic 4 Min Read

As another Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and Dhul Hijjah pass us by, it is essential that we stay firm on our civilisational work as Muslims.