Netanyahu recently released a recorded message, but like much of his cabinet's messaging, it was riddled with misleading statements.
In today's podcast, Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad speaks to Dr. Salman Butt about lessons learned from one year of live-streamed genocide in Gaza.
We asked ChatGPT about Israel one year into the genocide, and the results were shocking.
Dr. Salman Butt and Umer Suleman caught up with Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi to ask what he's learned over the last 12 months of the Gaza genocide.
In this Islamic Thought video, Dr. Anas Altikriti exposes what really happens behind the scenes, often unreported in the media.
Long overdue UN blacklisting of the apartheid state appears more about saving the reputation of global institutions.
Imams and Ulama argue it is "obligatory on the broader Muslim community to help" pro-Gaza student encampments.
Student encampment at the University of Sheffield is one of 36 active sites across the UK in solidarity with Gaza.
As we approach the July general election, here are some important dos and don'ts for scholars and Imams.
Is this just an attempt at appealing to domestic voters or a real effort to end the ongoing genocide?
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