Trials Transformed 6 Min Read

The People of the Garden

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn from the example of a group who acted selfishly with their inheritance.

Trials Transformed 6 Min Read

The Legendary Faith of Bilal

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn from Bilal ibn Rabah, one of the first to accept Islam.

Trials Transformed 6 Min Read

Lessons from the Early Makkan Period

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn from the Makkan Era and the huge tests faced by the Prophet ﷺ.

Trials Transformed 6 Min Read

Darkness within a whale to the light of forgiveness

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn from Prophet Yūnus, the recognition of his mistake, and his forgiveness.

Trials Transformed 5 Min Read

Prophet Mūsa and the Egyptian Exodus

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about Prophet Mūsa's leadership with certainty in Allah.

Trials Transformed 6 Min Read

The patience of Prophet Ayyub during his trials

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn from the severe hardships faced by Prophet Ayyub.

Trials Transformed 5 Min Read

Prophet Shuʿayb and his push for fair trade in Madyan

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about Prophet Shuʿayb and his calls for honest business.

Trials Transformed 4 Min Read

From the depths of a well to the heights of Egypt

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about Prophet Yūsuf and the trust he placed in Allah.

Trials Transformed 5 Min Read

Prophet Lūt and a people of immorality

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about Lūt and his fight against a people engaged in sodomy.

Trials Transformed 3 Min Read

The Strength of Hājar, the Mother of Prophet Ismā’īl

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about Hājar and her trust in Allah despite impossible conditions.