Islamic Thought

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Ramadan reflections on Muslim loss of mandate to rule

Hamdija Begovic 9 Min Read

In part two of a short series, Hamdija Begovic looks at the Nietzschean idea of the man-god, and how we should respond.

8 days to fight “LGBT” lobby in your child’s school

Yusuf Patel 11 Min Read

We have until 12 March to reply to the government consultation on draft "trans" ideology guidance for schools.

Correcting the concept of victory after the ICJ ruling

Shaykh Ali Hammuda 21 Min Read

Can you link a boy, a monk, a king, a magician, and the People of the Ditch to the recent ICJ ruling against Israel?

Advice to relatives of those nearing death

Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed 18 Min Read

In part two of four, we share guidance that family members of those coming to the end of this worldly life may benefit from.

Advice to those who are nearing death

Shaykh Dr. Ali Ahmed 28 Min Read

In part one of four, we look at guidance that those approaching the end of this worldly life may benefit from.

Have you reached the critical limit?

Shaykh Ali Hammuda 14 Min Read

When you end up at the critical limit at various points in life, divine care is always sure to follow!