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Has Gaza woken us up?

Shaykh Abu Rumaysah Refi Shafi

If the apartheid state's genocide of Gaza doesn't force us to cleanse our hearts, I do not know what will.

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Has Laylatul Qadr Passed?

Shaykh Ali Hammuda 1 Min Read

In Episode 27, Shaykh Ali Hammuda encourages us to continue searching for Laylat al-Qadr even beyond the 27th night.

Pay Zakatul Fitr Before Eid – Here’s Why

Shaykh Ali Hammuda 1 Min Read

In Episode 26, Shaykh Ali Hammuda discusses why Zakat al-Fitr should be paid before Eid!

The Night of Power Brings Signs

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In Episode 25, Shaykh Ali Hammuda discusses the signs of the Night of Power.

The Origin of the Night of Power

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In Episode 24, Shaykh Ali Hammuda discusses the meaning behind the Night of Power.

Have I Wasted My Ramadan?

Shaykh Ali Hammuda 1 Min Read

In Episode 23, Shaykh Ali Hammuda discusses how to make the best of the remaining blessed days of Ramadan.

WHY More People Pray Tarawīh in the Mosque Than the 5 Prayers

Shaykh Ali Hammuda 1 Min Read

In Episode 22, Shaykh Ali Hammuda looks at why so many turn up to the mosque for Tarawīh and how we can use Ramadan to strengthen our five daily prayers.