Editorials 11 Min Read

Joint statement in support of UK student encampments

Imams and Ulama argue it is "obligatory on the broader Muslim community to help" pro-Gaza student encampments.

News 10 Min Read

Sheffield University encampment disrupts awards event

Student encampment at the University of Sheffield is one of 36 active sites across the UK in solidarity with Gaza.

Empowered 1 Min Read

In supporting Israel, Germany still hasn’t learnt its lesson

By defending Israel's actions against Gaza, has Germany not learnt anything from its appalling historic role against the Jewish people?

News 6 Min Read

Student sit-ins spread in US and UK over Gaza genocide

Peaceful protests in support of Palestine have been met by violence; this is a microcosm of the situation in Gaza.

Politics 14 Min Read

11 lessons from US campus pro-Palestine protests

Young students in America are bravely demonstrating against the Zionist genocide in Gaza; let us learn from them and make it global.

News 8 Min Read

Media continues unfair reporting on Israeli invasion of Gaza

On the Gaza genocide, the BBC and others continue to focus on the oppressor as opposed to the oppressed.

News 5 Min Read

BBC boycott targets Israeli bias on Gaza devastation

In a boycott launching today, organisers are fighting against the BBC's misinformation and lies during the Gaza genocide.

Opinion 8 Min Read

Western state media in disinformation drive to justify Gaza genocide

On Israel's genocide in Palestine, Maira Mirza from Human Aid & Advocacy warns that Western disinformation will fail.

Advertorial 13 Min Read

What can Muslims do to change negative images that stick to Islam?

Faisal Amjad of Muslim CEO discusses wealth creation as a way to push beyond negative images of Islam.

Latest News News France 5 Min Read

Media peddles hate crime framing after French terrorist kills three

The Kurdish community in France was struck by a triple murder that also left three injured. Why is this not classed as terrorism?