Trials Transformed 4 Min Read

The Boycott of Banu Hāshim

In this final part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about the sanctions enforced against the Prophet ﷺ and Banu Hāshim.

Latest Tarbiya Trials Transformed 6 Min Read

The Flogging of Imam Mālik

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about the author of al-Muwatta and his zeal for transmitting hadīth.

Trials Transformed 6 Min Read

Imam Ahmad’s fight against ideological corruption

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about the incredibly courageous Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

Trials Transformed 4 Min Read

Blind Believers vs. Ungrateful Rulers

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about the blind companion, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktūm.

Trials Transformed 6 Min Read

The People of the Garden

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn from the example of a group who acted selfishly with their inheritance.

Trials Transformed 4 Min Read

The Battle of Badr — Faith vs. Force

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about the greatest military engagement in our history, the Battle of Badr.

Trials Transformed 5 Min Read

Tā’if — the Most Difficult of Days

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn about the time the Prophet ﷺ was badly wounded while giving da'wah.

Trials Transformed 5 Min Read

Salāh al-Dīn liberated Jerusalem with honour

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn from Salāh al-Dīn al-Ayyūbī and his approach to conquering Jerusalem.

Trials Transformed 7 Min Read

Divine Protection of the People of the Cave

In this part of the Trials Transformed series, we learn from the young group of believers who sought refuge in the cave.

Editorials 4 Min Read

Islam21c-Mercy to Humanity partnership announcement

We are pleased to share the news of our partnership with Mercy to Humanity and the mutual benefits we expect to reap.