There is no doubt that Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) was a great person. His struggle for what he believed was both inspirational and motivated many people. I remember seeing him on TV when he left his long imprisonment showing the people the small cell where he lived in solitary confinement for over 10 years. He spent around 27 years in jail which constituted almost one third of his life and his entire youth. He was offered a high position and status in the apartheid government in exchange of giving up his struggle for freedom and black people’s rights. He died before compromising any of the principles that he lived for. I am sure that many books will be published about this unique personality.
He reminds me of another great personality that lived and died before the advent of the Prophet sala Allahu ‘alayhi wasalam; Abdullah ibn Jud’aan who found a big amount of treasure and then enquired about the best way to spend it. He was advised to use it to serve the pilgrims who had come to visit the house of Allah in Makkah. He spent it abundantly, in such a way that amazed everyone who heard of this incident. In fact, it was mentioned that he even used to send aid to the international community at that time. Indeed this was a noble cause; feeding the pilgrims free of charge. However, the story does not stop here; let us read the following narration: Aisha, (RadiAllahu‘anhaa) the wife of the Prophet asked the Prophet (SalAllahu‘alayhi wasalam), “Indeed, Ibn Jud’aan used to provide food (for the people) and he would be hospitable to his guests, will any of that benefit him on the Day of Resurrection?” The Prophet (SallAllahu‘alayhi wasalam) confirmed that he will be in the fire of hell. Amazing! Despite all of this good he will be in the fire of hell?! Yes. But what is the reason for this? The explanation was given by the Prophet (SallAllahu‘alayhi wasalam) himself, “No. Indeed, on no day did he ever say: O my lord, forgive me my sins on the Day of Recompense.”
Let us take another great personality; Abu Talib the uncle of the Prophet (SallAllahu‘alayhi wasalam). Abu Talib was an exemplary role model in his support of the Prophet (SallAllahu‘alayhi wasalam). The books of history report that he used to make his children give up their beds for the sake of the Prophet in order to protect him from any harm that Quraish intended for the Prophet. This great personality died and look at what the Prophet said about him; Abbas bin `Abdul Muttalib said, “O Allah’s Messenger “Did you benefit Abu Talib with anything as he used to protect and take care of you, and used to become angry for you?” The Prophet (SallAllahu‘alayhi wasalam) said, “Yes, he is in a shallow place of Fire. But for me, he would have been in the lowest part of the Fire.” In one narration in Sahih al-Bukhari, the Prophet said “Perhaps my intercession will be helpful to him on the Day of Resurrection so that he may be put in a shallow fire reaching only up to his ankles causing his brain to boil.”
These extremely good and kind people will go to hell?! Yes, as they were not good and kind enough to worship their Lord who created them and gave them everything. In fact, these “good people” had elements of arrogance that we are unaware of. For instance, Abu Talib clearly refused to submit to Allah despite admitting that Muhammad (SallAllahu‘alayhi wasalam) is the Prophet of Allah. Abdul ibn Jud’aan did all of this for fame as was explained in his biography.
Allah is the most just and helps everyone submit to him by disposing his nature to pure monotheism where any human being is born believing that there is a creator and that he is the one to be worshipped. The Prophet (SallAllahu‘alayhi wasalam) said:
Each child is born in a state of “Fitrah”, then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Zoroastrian, the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any that were born mutilated?”[1]
Allah took the covenant from all human beings when he created them that they will all acknowledge him as their Lord.
“And (remember) when your Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their loins, their seed (or from Adam’s loin his offspring) and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord?” They said: “Yes! We testify,” lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: “Verily, we have been unaware of this.””[2]
The materialistic life we are living in compels us to observe the rights of creation and ignore the rights of the creator. The main purpose of Islam is to observe the rights of creator first in order to help us observe the rights of his creation.
It is a big loss when a person works hard day and night, sacrificing everything and then he suffers and dwells in the fire of hell in the second and eternal life. It is the biggest loss when the candle provides light for others, yet it burns itself.
Al Hasan al Basri and Qataada said: “It has reached us that the word “Taghaabun” (mutual loss and gain referred to in the Qur’an) is in three categories:
The first is a man who acquired knowledge and therefore taught it, before forgetting it without implementing this knowledge himself. Yet those he taught were saved through this knowledge.
Another is a man who acquired wealth through illegal means and was stingy with this wealth. He therefore disobeyed Allah and did not do well. This man then leaves this wealth to his inheritors who then use it to obey Allah.
Another is a man who had a slave. The slave obeyed Allah and therefore was successful while the master disobeyed Allah and lost miserably.”
Yet the question remains: why did this person fail to sacrifice for his Lord and for his sake? It returns to arrogance and pride. This is a fundamental lesson for every one; the rights of your creator should come first. This was the message of all of the Prophets.
“And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): “Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid all false deities.” Then of them were some whom Allah guided and of them were some upon whom the straying was justified. So travel through the land and see what was the end of those who denied (the truth).”[3]
It is true that great people will draw millions of people to mourn them, yet the question remains: will this benefit them? Is it going to benefit Nelson Mandela that a million people attend his funeral or the decision of Algeria, Palestine or even every country to lower flags for days to mourn over him?
How long will people mourn over him or even remember him? If you work for people, what can they do to benefit you after you die? Why not work for the lord of people who never forgets anything?
It is a key for all of us; any sacrifice for any purpose other than Allah will vanish.
Muslims have to avoid being selfish and seeking worldly gains by attaching themselves to those who sympathise with them if they do not aid the Muslims in reaching the ultimate aim: Paradise. It is unfortunate to see many Muslims “using” some non-Muslims for Da’wah and other projects and feel embarrassed to call these same people to Islam.
OF course he is burning in hell and so shall all of you for arrogantly rejecting the obvious, self-evident truth of the sublime FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER! It is never too let to accept his noodly embrace for if you reject him and mock his esteemed prophets, he will surely cast you into the boiling waters of the eternal celestial pot!
What an ignorant man this Al-Haddad is! No reference to Quran in his speech, no compassion, no understanding of the mercy of Allah and ready to send people to hell. I hope that Allah rewards Al-Haddad for his ignorance. Ameen!
I think the article is correct. But I think this was extremely bad timing we need Tfl be considerate of how we are already portrayed in the media. If the media get a hold of this artis and misconstrue it like they usually do. I’m not sure whether than would cause more harm than benefit.
Sorry to say. This is such a judgmental piece while the author clearly knows that final judgment is with Allah alone. Hope you have read below Hadith as well.
There were two brothers in the Israel society (of Prophet Moses PBUH). One of them was very pious while the other was a sinner. The pious man used to advice his sinner brother. Once, conquered by anger he told : “Allah will never forgive you, nor you will enter Paradise”. When both of them will be presented in front of Allah (on the Day of Judgement), Allah would tell the sinner: “You may enter Paradise with my Mercy” and would tell the pious: “Did you think you know me better? Then, you go to hellfire.” After reporting this story told by Prophet (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), Abu Huraira (RA) said: “A single word one utter is enough to turn one’s destiny upside down.” [From Baihaqi, Shuabul-Imaan].
Whatever Mandela has done, he is with the Lord, with his parcel of doings and he will be judged upon by Allah. Why muslims are fighting on whether he will go to hell or heaven? Why someone is writing such an article while make many people fight and judge? Fear Allah. Fear a day we will be taken to him with no one to judge upon but Allah.
What a horrible article. You know nothing about his private life and you’ve just incinuated that he’s future is hellfire.only Allah knows what his status will be in the hereafter so don’t make judgments. I’m so disappointed with this article.
Alhamdullah, Wasalatu Wasalamu Ala Rasool Allah
**Mandela & Tawheed**
1. (We shall turn whatever good deeds the disbelievers did into dust)25:23
No matter what one achieves (without Tawheed) they failed and lost!
One can loose everything in this life, yet win the akhira with his Tawheed and he ends up being an ultimate winner!
Another can gain and achieve everything in this life, yet loose the Akhira with Kufur and he is an ultimate loser!
(Shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds?
Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds.
They are the Kuffar… )18:103-105
That’s from the ABC’s of Tawheed!
2. Purposely making duaa for (Rahmah) mercy on one who we know died as a Kafir is a sin and transgression in Duaa!
a) Allah subhanu watala said:
(those who disbelieve in the Ayat of Allah and the Meeting with Him, it is they who have (((no hope of My Mercy))): and it is they who will have a painful torment)29:23
-Allah subhanu watala who we say by fard, 17 times a day is the {most merciful}….
He bestowed 1 portion of his 99 mercies on this entire universe, saving 99 for the judgement day, said they have {no hope of mercy}!
Making Duaa for their mercy implies one has more mercy than ALLAH subhanu watala who denied them his mercy!!
b) Allah subhanu watala said:
(It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allah’s Forgiveness for the Mushrikun (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah), even though they be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of the Fire (because they died in a state of disbelief) 9:113
c) ALLAH subhanu watala cursed the Kuffar in Quran several times:
(So let the Curse of Allah be on the disbelievers)2:89
La’nah = Curse: means expulsion from mercy!
Allah subanu Watala expelled them from mercy and some want to override the order and decision of Allah subhanu watala and include them!?!
d) The Jews used to go near the Prophet Sallah Allahu alieh wasalam and fake their sneezing so he can make duaa of Rahmah (mercy) on them.
He would ask Allah subhanu watala to guide them instead!
[sunan Abu Dawood, al-Tirmithy, al-nisaaei, al-Hakim, Musnad Ahmad, al-Tahaway, al-Baihaqy, al-Tabarany and others]
That’s the man that Allah subhanu Watala said he was sent as a mercy:
(And We have sent you not but as a mercy for the ‘Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists)21:107
-He refused to make duaa of Rahama for them while they were living even though there was the possibility that they may be guided, imagine after their death on Kufer when the books are sealed!
e) In Saheeh Muslim the Prophet Sallah Allahu alieh wasalam said : I sought permission of Allah to make istighfar for my mother and it is not allowed. And I sought permission of Allah to visited her grave, and it is allowed!
*There is more proof and more to say, however this was quickly written based on the the request of many brothers and sisters.
*It very sad to see the level of ignorance many have in basic matters of Tawheed that surface with such incidents.
May Allah always guide us to the straight path.
Ahmad Musa Jibril
“For each [community] We have appointed a law and a way. Had Allah willed, He could have made all of you one community (a single people). But that He might try you by that which He has given you [He has made you as you are]. So vie with one another in good works; to Allah is the return of all, then He will let you know that in which you differed.” (5:48).
Leave the speculation and judgment to Allah – it is only bad taste and dubious conjecture to sit in speculative judgment of those who pass away, whether in the Muslim community or outside of it. Unless one has the profound inner vision of our Prophet, it is not in our power to peer behind the veil of death and imply what a person’s state will be in the hereafter. At this point, Nelson Mandela knows a thing or two more than the rest of us about his fate, whether for good or bad.
I dont think anybody is being judgmental, nor has anyone pronounced any verdict on Mandela himself.
However you seem to be implying that good deeds are a means of salvation for non believers to avoid hell fire?
Its not being judgmental to say that disbelievers are destined for Hell. Isnt that what it says in the Quran?
I have a lot of respect for the Sheikh and am a keen reader of all his articles. I fail to understand the objective of this particular article about Nelson Mandela. What is the need for it anyway? He is judged to be a great personality by people of this world by the standards of this world and not by the standard of the Hereafter where the judge is the Almighty Himself. Allah has not given anyone the right to infringe on His authority on the Day He holds court. Will it affect any Muslim in anyway whether Nelson Mandela is going to hell or heaven? Should it concern any Muslim whether he believed in Allah or not?
As Muslims it is our duty to obey Allah and His Messenger and live by the code that he has set for us. Most of us don’t do that. So why should we concern ourselves about affairs of others when we have more important concerns about our selves as individuals? Let us be steadfast in matters that have been made clear to us and not venture into domains that are uncertain and unfathomable to us.
May the Almighty Allah guide us and keep us all on the straight path. Ameen!
I completely agree with your brother. I too fail to understand why this article was written. There are more important issues to write about
I admire the people of Islamic knowledge in every respect, however, what i find disgusting from other followers of the beautiful religion of Islam, is their ability to judge others and forget their selves. Allah has judged, pens are lifted and the pages are dry. In the Qur’an He has put it clear that had He willed all people would have believed. So why this obsession about the father of Amir al-Muminun and Imam al-Mutaqeen? And this narrative is challenged by others. So this view cannot be correct/absolute. Some of us will be disappointed in the day of judgement, that those whom we condemned to the gutters of hell-fire, Allah out of His Infinite Mercy and Justice would decide otherwise, who knows. My earnest advice is that instead of behaving like the rabbis (judging others), let’s work towards establishing justice in the face of the earth by fighting alongside the oppressed and the weak. For in Allah’s Sight the oppressed are not only those who are muslims but the oppressed fil ard. So the shaykhs or muslims scholars should rather encourage us to stand for justice than to sit on the pedestal and judge who is going to hell or paradise.
Ignorant Muslims need to learn their deen and stop criticizing the author. If Mandela wanted to be a Muslim he had ample time and chances. South Africa is the land of Ahmed Deedat and the daee Muslims. I am sure he had thousands of Muslim friends. As far as we know from his outward actions he died as a non-believer, so stop the non-sense emotional response. When we are all standing in front of Allah on the day of judgement trembling do you really think anyone of us will care whether Mandela or Abu Talib or Mother Terese, etc or even any of our relatives will be saved or not?
[85] And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will NEVER be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. [86] How shall Allâh guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and after they bore witness that the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) is true and after clear proofs had come unto them? And Allâh guides not the people who are Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrongdoers). [87] They are those whose recompense is that on them (rests) the Curse of Allâh, of the angels, and of all mankind. [88] They will abide therein (Hell). Neither will their torment be lightened, nor will it be delayed or postponed (for a while). (Qur’an 3:85-88)
“By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, there is no-one of this Ummah, Jew or Christian, who hears of me then dies without believing in that with which I have been sent, but he will be one of the people of Hell.” (Sahih Muslim, 153).
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Those who critcize the Sheikh for being “judgemental” have essentially criticized an-Nabi(S) himself.
‘Saheeh al-Jaami as-Sagheer
(The Small Collection of the Sayings of the Prophet [sal’lal’lahu alay’hi
Al-Imaam as-Suyooti (may Allaah have mercy on him) originally had a
collection of hadeeth called ‘al-Jaami’ as-Sagheer min Hadeeth al-Basheer an-
Nadheer’ (The Small Collection of the Sayings of the Giver of Glad Tidings, the
Warner). The authenticated version of that collection is by Shaykh al-Albaani,
and it is called ‘Saheeh al-Jaami as-Sagheer wa Ziyaadatuh’.
#3 165: “Whenever you pass by the grave of a disbeliever, give him the tidings of the
Therefore, if I pass by Mandela’s grave, I can give him the tidings of the fire.
So for those of you who have condemned an-Nabi(S) as being judgmental, I would worry a lot about my Islam if I were you. No need to be judgmental, if I have failed to judge by Allah’s law, I should worry about my own Islam.
Because failure to recognize the disbelief of the disbelievers is disbelief itself.
I am glad to go hell and be with those disbelievers who have done so much good to this world, than be with those believers whose good is only measured in submission to an unforgiving and egotistic deity
wa alaykumusalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Their “non-judgementalness” may expel them from the fold of Islam some day, and bring them to an eternity in Jahannam.
Ironies aside, I hope my tough comments pass through moderation which will be balanced by your soft comments.
People need to know, their are certain things which expel you from the fold of Islam, and lack of judgments is one of them.
There is something else that is missing from here that I feel should be mentioned regarding Mandela. Yes he died a kaffir as we have no record of him ever testifying the shahada. This is not simply a case of ‘we do not know what is in his heart’, it is a practical, legal point. If those so enamored by him make the point about reserving judgement, then they should be equally vociferous about calling for his Janazah as its a fard on the muslim community to bury a deceased muslim. But the truth is, he died a disbeliever.
Putting that to one side, even his ‘good works’ are up for debate. What exactly is it that he did that was good?
Call an end to ‘apartheid’? A state based on discrimination? Yes this agrees with Islam as it rejects discrimination based on race and ethnicity. However, his condemnation of discrimination did not just end there. He would equally have been critical of a state that ‘discriminated’ on the basis of religion. In fact, the concept of ‘dhimmi’ would have been abhorrent to him even though it is a requirement in Islam.
He called for ‘freedom’ which includes the freedom to pursue personal pleasure at the expense of committing haram. Afterall, he championed LGBT rights. Is this considered a ‘good’?
He idolised democracy. A system of shirk which takes a sifaat of Allah(swt) and places it in the hands of humans, ie the right to legislate. Is there good in this?
With all this in mind, he is not even in the same category as Abu Talib or Abdullah ibn Judaan.
“As for those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in a desert. The thirsty one thinks it to be water, until he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing, but he finds Allah with him, Who will pay him his due (Hell). And Allah is Swift in taking account ” An Noor 39
As Salaamu Alikum, brothers and sisters,
All praise be to Allah the most Powerful, the most Merciful, the only One, the only Creator and rest is all His creation and all peace and blessings upon the last Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu‘alayhi wasalam). I praise the author for this knowledgeable article and pray to Allah to guide us all muslims and also non-muslims towards the true path (Islam and its true understanding) and keep us on it as long as there is life in our body.
I request to all those brothers and sisters who are unhappy with anyone passing their judgement to please understand that the author is not passing any judgement and there is no doubt Allah is the final judge, but the author is only reflecting upon the teachings of Islam and conveying the message of Islam in this regard to understand the present situation, what the holy Quran says and what the Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu‘alayhi wasalam taught us. please do not cloud your own judgement and understand the basic principle of the deen, it gives no one no pleasure to know that someone will go to hell, in fact it is our purpose of life as Muslims to call people towards Islam and be a good muslim so we be a good example ourselves as well, there are and were even better non-muslims than mandela that even did not make it on media, but The Most important thing is “La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah”
“It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allah’s forgiveness for the Mushrikeen, even though they be of kin” Verse 113, chapter 9, At-Tauba
May Allah forgive us all and guide us all towards the right path and bless us more with people like the Sheikh to provide us the knowledge and help us understand the deen better.
All our actions should be for the sake of pleasing Allah.
Hadith Qudsi 6:
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say:
“The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: ‘And what did you do about them?’ He will say: ‘I fought for You until I died a martyr.’ He will say: ‘You have lied – you did but fight that it might be said [of you]: ‘He is courageous.’’ And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man who has studied [religious] knowledge and has taught it and who used to recite the Qur’an. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: ‘And what did you do about them?’ He will say: ‘I studied [religious] knowledge and I taught it and I recited the Qur’an for Your sake.’ He will say: ‘You have lied – you did but study [religious] knowledge that it might be said [of you]: ‘He is learned.’’ And you recited the Qur’an that it might be said [of you]: ‘He is a reciter.’ And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man whom Allah had made rich and to whom He had given all kinds of wealth. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: ‘And what did you do about them?’ He will say: ‘I left no path [un-trodden] in which You like money to be spent without spending in it for Your sake.’ He will say: ‘You have lied – you did but do so that it might be said [of you]: ‘He is open-handed.’’ And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire.”
It was related by Muslim (also by at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasa’i).
The people who have commented negatively regarding this article should remember that it has been written by a scholar of islam who probably knows more than all the commentators put together! He knows what he is talking about. He has not said anywhere in the article that Nelson Mandela is going to hell, he has given examples of people that have apparently done good but are still destined to go to hell and this should open peoples eyes and make them realise that if he died without iman then Allah will deal with him as HE has stated. As another brother mentioned, how can any of us feel sorry for him and his abode when we believe that Allah is the most just! You must be satisfied that Allah will deal with all things in the most just way otherwise your faith is at risk! You are hesitating in your belief of one of the attributes of Allah ‘Al Adl’ – The All-Just. Let us all be grateful to Allah that he has chosen us to be from amongst the believers and pray to him to guide us to and keep us on the right path.
subhanAllah ‘ala kulli shay…it is amazing to see the comments here spewing animosity and disdain toward the brother for speaking the truth (although i do agree with “A brother” comment for questioning the author’s referring to mandela as a “great man”)…may Allah guide us and help us all because as an ummah, we are suffering…
Abu Sayeed reported that the messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wa salaam) said: “You shall follow the practices of those before you, inch by inch and mile by mile, to the degree that if they enter into the hole of a lizard, you will follow them.” He was asked: “O messenger of Allah, are they the Jews and Christians?” He replied: “Who else?” (Agreed)
Thauban reported that the messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wa salaam) said: “It is near that the nations will call one another against you just as the eaters call one another to their dishes.” Somebody asked: “Is this because we will be few in numbers that day?” He said: “Nay, but that day you shall be numerous, but you will be like the foam of the sea, and Allah will take the fear of you away from your enemies and will place weakness into your hearts.” Somebody asked: “What is this weakness?” He said: “The love of the world and the dislike of death.” (Abu Daud)
Assalam alaikum,
After reading this article and the comments below, I am some what amazed at the level of ignorance of many Muslims who clearly do not understand the authors intention and clearly do not understand their Deen. I could make example after example but it would serve no purpose, as the vast majority of individuals who have an issue with what the author has written are forming this view point from an emotional perspective. You forget their are two aspects to this life, our relationship with people, and more importantly are relationship with Allah(swt). If you neglect the latter all your deeds will not avail you and you will be amongst the losers in the next life.
وَمَن يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الإِسْلامِ دِينًا فَلَن يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِي الآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
And whoever desires other than Islam as religion – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.
[Quran 3:85]
LAA ILLAHA ILLA LLAH MOHAMAD RASUL LLAH. DID MANDELA EVER SAID THAT? well i dont think that. think is any big word than this?
if you go to ALLAH with any Deen other than ISLAM it will not be acepted and in that day you will be amoung the LOOSER
Its shame the way this article is written, its almost as if the author already judged and knows Nelsona Mandela’s fate. Allah is the Most Merciful and The Only One who has the right to judge people.
I do agree with certain points, you should always worship Allah Alone and I think what the article is actually trying to say is, do good deeds for the aim to only please Allah, as He loves kindness. “I’D RATHER HAVE GOD APPROVE THAN THE WORLD APPAULD.”
Always remember Allah is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful, Keep Him in your thoughts daily because you never know what may save you from the fire of hell.
Then you are calling an-Nabi(S) arrogant because he praised Allah for saving the Jewish boy from Jahannam when the boy entered Islam.
The same of Umar RA when he cried when he saw a Christian monk because he knew the monks worship would not help him on yawm al Qiyamah.
And the rest of the Sahaba.
So are you going to pray for him now after Allah has told you it is clear to you he is from the dwellers of Jahannam?
Allah explained numerous times that disbelievers are in the fire and he explained that they will never come out, so by condemning the author for judging, you are actually disagreeing with Allah’s judgement.
What is the purpose of this article?. Did Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) not inform us to refrain speaking about the deceased (as a rule of thumb unless…). This article show Muslims lack love and tolerance. The issue is not about Nelson Mandela but why write about anyone in a negative tone after they have died. What have you achieved by writing this article?. I tell you if anything it’s creating a bigger distance between the status quo Muslims and learned people. Please Muslim scholars let our morals and etiquettes shine and do not put the status quo in a position to answer questions to our peers about who is Hell bound and Heaven bound due to unnecessary articles like this.
Not once did the author say NELSON MANDELA is going hell fire. But what the article brings to light is the mere fact that we don’t know where anyone is going to go and also no matter how good a non-Muslim is, hell fire will be there final abode.
This article for me is a low point for 21c. I think it is very sad for Muslims to sit and judge whether Nelson Mandela is going to Hell. Allah is the ultimate judge not us so debating this issue is simply wrong. He had far better Muslim values then our custodians in Saudi Arabia who are so called ‘Muslims’.
Agreed. This article is insensitive.
Alihamdulillah! For the author of this article, I say Jazakallahu khayran. Only few in this era can embrace thet truth for truth is bitter. It is pathetic to discover that Muslims failed to enter into the fold of Islam whole heartedly as commanded by Allah in the Quran. Such are the people that have issue with this article.
Why not go back and learn more from the right source rather sending emotional response. The fact that we cannot judge does not mean that we cannot emphasise the verdict of Allah and His rosool in certain circumstances. I see this article as a wake up call for us all.
May Allah increase us in taqwa.
Did anyone invite him to islam?
in 2004, Ayedh al-Qarni (or Aidh al-Qarni) wrote a letter to nelson mandela inviting him to islam…google this and insha’Allah you will find the info…
wa alaykum assalaam
‘You cannot judge a person’ What are people talking about? Seriously?!
If there was a man who said he is muslim and done the worst of deeds and even killed millions of muslims ect and If shaykh said that particular man will enter hell. Then, yes he you are right he can’t judge him and condemn him to hell as he has claimed he is Muslims and only Allah can judge him about his actions.
But Mandela as good as he was. He was a kafir. He disbelieved in the oneness of Allah. And that is something Allah will never forgive if u die upon it. Allah has said this.
So there’s no room for us to say ‘oh maybe Allah will judge him and forgive him’ this is our emotions playing with us as we can’t bear the thought such a good man burning in hell.
Was Mandela better than the uncle of the prophet (sws), Abu Talib?? No! And if Abu Talib is in hell (shallow part) what makes u think Mandela will wont be?
You are 100% right bro . I am really crying. I cant believe that muslims can tallk such nonesense. They dont understand that KAFIRS final abode is HELLLLLL and Its my faith that every KAFIR will end up in hell and I dont consider those people muslims who thinks that Allah might give any consideration to KAFIRS (this is my extreme view, and if am wrong guide me)
A Kaffir is someone who intentionally denies the truth. But all of our scholars have said that if someone is not presented the truth in a way that would make them realize it as true, they will be tested in the hereafter and be given a chance towards entering Paradise. This is why it is difficult to say anything about anyone’s eternal destiny, only Allah can decide whether Mandela had sufficient knowledge and exposure to Islam to judge him based on his life, or whether that judgement will be reserved for the hereafter. This is true for every non-Muslim, except in cases where Allah has clearly specified thier fate (Abu Jahl will be in Hell, Zaid ibn Naufal in Jannah).
All we can worry about is how much of the truth we are following and how much we are rejecting, and whether we have done our best to convey the message to others. This is not a difficult concept to understand. iA I have not said anything incorrect, and please stop crying brother Furqan, we are all doing our best iA.
A kaffir is one who denies the truth whether or not he realizes it is the truth.
And when it is said to them (hypocrites): “Believe as the people (followers of Muhammad Peace be upon him , Al-Ansar and Al-Muhajirun) have believed,” they say: “Shall we believe as the fools have believed?” Verily, they are the fools, but they know not.
Ibn Kathir in his commentary said that they are so ignorant that they don’t know that they are the ones who are misguided.
“Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!
Ash-Shinqeeti in his Adwaa’ al-Bayaan said that this verse was revealed in regards to kuffar who believe that their faith is the correct one and is the truth. Also see tafsir as-Sa’di, tafsir at-Tabari (where he very clearly points out that this verse demonstrates that not all kuffar are ones who knowingly reject tawheed), tafsir Ibn Kathir, al-Baidaawi, al-Waahidi, etc.
Or have they taken for worship (other) aliha (gods) besides Him? Say: “Bring your proof:” This (the Qur’an) is the Reminder for those with me and the Reminder for those before me. But most of them know not the Truth, so they are averse.
See Ibn Ashur’s at-tahreer wal-tanweer.
Wow our ummah are getting really desperate for inspiration. Corrupt ideas are flying everywhere, subhanallah.
From the prospective of deen and what we are taught as good and evil how on earth can the author of this article call Mandela a great man?
Mandela is the same man that helped legalise lesbian, gay and transgender marriages when he was president in 1994 (do you realise the seriousness of that?)
He is the same man that supported/befriended Gaddafi and even presented him a award. And Gaddafi was a leader that would torture and kill Muslims for speaking about Islam and the haqq.
We heading towards dark times where we cannot even see clearly anymore.
well said sister umm sanaa. the author of the article has stated clear hadith and evidences, he hasn’t twisted any of the hadith he has mentioned. unfortunately irjaa is becoming a big disease in this day and age
In the 7th century, the Islamic era of Jesus had already been altered by the Roman empire for a considerable period of time. Yet still, the Jews and Christians of that time were seen as the people of the book, and as considered as cousins of the next generation of Muslims, the Arabs. Prophet Mohamed did not introduce Islam, he introduced the final phase of the religion, there have been many previous phases of Islam.
Since the 7th century, the Christians and Jews have not changed much, sure now there are fewer of them as time goes by. So they are still the people of the book. Dont let the current political events cloud the view Muslims should have of the people of the book.
A Muslim man may not marry a disbelieving woman, but in Islam, he may marry a believing Christian or Jewish woman without conversion (with certain conditions negotiated between them). This was valid at the time of prophet Mohamed (saw) and it will be valid until the day of reckoning comes.
So it is best to leave the judging of people of the book to the Creator.
And Allah aza wa jal numerous times, explained in the Quran that Jews and Christians are disbelievers and will enter Jahannam.
As for 2:62, an-Nabi(S) explained that ayah himself and explained that whoever doesn’t enter Islam will be in Jahannam.
Check ayah 3:85
There’s an ayah in the quran:
If you could but see when they will be held over the (Hell) Fire! They will say: “Would that we were but sent back (to the world)! Then we would not deny the Ayat of our Lord, and we would be of the believers!” Nay, it has become manifest to them what they had been concealing before. But if they were returned, they would certainly revert to that which they were forbidden. And indeed they are liars.) (6:27-28)
The key part…
“But if they were returned, they would certainly revert to that which they were forbidden.”
This switches the narrative. If the kaafir was returned, he would reject Allah again. If he returned a thousand times, he would reject Allah a thousand times. If he returned a millions times, he would reject Allah a million times. If was a returned infinite times, he would reject Allah infinite times.
Therefore it can be said that the kaafir has made an eternal choice, and deserves an eternal punishment. Allah is the Most Just.
Fantastic article mashAllah tabrakAllah! ^ Agree with you sister Umm sanaa
Salaam Aleikum Islam21 and Monir
What a remarkable article and thought-provoking points. May Allah bless the author abundantly. To judge or not to judge. I think Monir – you need to rethink your point of view and show some respect for those with knowledge. How can it be an unfair judgement when a person clearly denies the rights of the Creator? If an unimportant person, who has held no position in politics and been moving around the shades of the world like Alexander Litvinenko and we hear reports of his reversion, wouldn’t you think Monir, that we would have heard if Mandela became a Muslim? Ofcourse it is a hard fact to swallow but think about the great injustice committed by the human NOT fulfilling the rights of Allah and the you call that a judgement only to be done by Allah – no doubt but truth is clear from falsehood and that is what the author is addressing. Quite simple to understand. May Allah grant you insight and wisdom before you speak.
for those of you who have a problem with this article, you need to understand your deen because it appears that you have an issue what Allah Subhana wa T’ala tells us…
“Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin.” (Surah an-Nisa:48)
the author presented similitudes of actual people who appeared to be good doers…especially Abu Talib who was fundamental in aiding Islam in the early stages by protecting rasulullah (salAllahu alayhi wa salaam)…if we used our own limited intellect and desires, we’d think he’d be given jannah, but in reality, he didn’t submit to the Lord of the Worlds and his abode is jahannam…
the author did not outright say nelson mandela is in the fire, but questioned if all the praise from the people will avail him…his was a christian, outspoken in his beliefs that go directly against Allah Subhana wa T’ala…now if secretly he submitted, only Allah knows and he is now with his Lord for the final judgment…but what the public has seen for years is his kufr (disbelief) and we are allowed to judge the outward actions of the people…
Narrated `Umar bin Al-Khattaab رضي الله عنه: People were (sometimes) judged by the revealing of a Divine Inspiration during the lifetime of Allaah’s Apostle صلى الله عليه وسلم but now there is no longer any more (new revelation). Now we judge you by the deeds you practice publicly, so we will trust and favor the one who does good deeds in front of us, and we will not call him to account about what he is really doing in secret, for Allaah will judge him for that; but we will not trust or believe the one who presents to us with an evil deed even if he claims that his intentions were good. [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (2460)]
Astaghfirullah! O Allah, You are the Exalted, the Almighty. To You belongs all the Good Names and respect of creation including how You are treated when mentioned, not the ordinary lowercase letter the people use to mean You. Either people are lazy, ignorant, arrogant, or all of the above.
Sad times when people use their position and respect to start passing judgement on others. I’m not sure how the author gained access to the information that put him in a position to decide the fate of an individual. I pray that readers are able to think for themselves and realise that judgement is with Allah only. Dale Carnegie — ‘Even God doesn’t propose to judge a man till his last days, why should you and I?’
He was mushrik. whats wrong with you people???? you think a mushrik can escape hell although Allah says in Quran that HE may forgive any sin BUT shirk ! please brother dont talk nonesense
There is too much arrogance on display in this article. None of us knows to which domain others will go after death. That is in the judgment of God alone. This type and level of knowledge is reserved for God. God’s knowledge being complete, there is no possibility of misunderstanding – He will take into account all perspectives, all contingencies, all conditions, all circumstances when dealing with His creation. Humans can never encompass all perspectives and cicumstances, so the possibility of injustice, bias, absence of mercy, and misinterpretation accompanies human judgments.
As the Qur’an states: “If you controlled the treasures of the mercy of my Lord, then you would withhold (them) for fear of spending….” (17:100)
To sweepingly generalize from selected hadith to imply the final destination of others is a dubious proposition. If the hadith quoted are, in fact, completely valid hadith, they represent examples of the inner knowledge of the prophet with regard to the specific circumstances of specific people. They are not meant to become an excuse for judging the place which others will have in the afterlife, especially since we ordinary humans tend to judge so poorly, and with so much ingrained bias.
Then you are calling an-Nabi(S) arrogant because he praised Allah for saving the Jewish boy from Jahannam when the boy entered Islam.
The same of Umar RA when he cried when he saw a Christian monk because he knew the monks worship would not help him on yawm al Qiyamah.
And the rest of the Sahaba.
So are you going to pray for him now after Allah has told you it is clear to you he is from the dwellers of Jahannam?
I am disappointed with the author for writing the peace and extremely disappointed at islam21 for publishing it.
Allah has kept the right of judgment to himself. May Allah forgive this ignorant soul for being arrogant and deciding to take that job.
He was mushrik. whats wrong with you people???? you think a mushrik can escape hell although Allah says in Quran that HE may forgive any sin BUT shirk ! please brother dont talk nonesense
Then you are calling an-Nabi(S) arrogant because he praised Allah for saving the Jewish boy from Jahannam when the boy entered Islam.
The same of Umar RA when he cried when he saw a Christian monk because he knew the monks worship would not help him on yawm al Qiyamah.
And the rest of the Sahaba.
Salaam alaykum wa rahmatUllahi wa barakatuhu. Alhamdulillah, excellent article and a very great point made. May Allah Azza wa Jal guide us to what is right and make us follow only the most noble examples and most pious of His slaves. Ameen!
you speak the truth
Salaam `alaykum,
That’s all very true but how do you know Mandela well enough to judge what his intentions were? Allah knows it best. He might be among those not raised with the guidance of Islam all his life but his heart was inclined towards it and on The Day of Judgement would be given the opportunity to believe before his final fates is decided or, he might have been a closet Muslim?
As Muslims we should not judge else we’ll be judged.
Assalam alaikum,
After reading this article and the comments below, I am some what amazed at the level of ignorance of many Muslims who clearly do not understand the authors intention and clearly do not understand their Deen. I could make example after example but it would serve no purpose, as the vast majority of individuals who have an issue with what the author has written are forming this view point from an emotional perspective. You forget their are two aspects to this life, our relationship with people, and more importantly are relationship with Allah(swt). If you neglect the latter all your deeds will not avail you and you will be amongst the losers in the next life.
وَمَن يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الإِسْلامِ دِينًا فَلَن يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِي الآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
And whoever desires other than Islam as religion – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.
[Quran 3:85]
He was mushrik. whats wrong with you people???? you think a mushrik can escape hell although Allah says in Quran that HE may forgive any sin BUT shirk ! please brother dont talk nonesense
Dear brother Haitham Al-Haddad
JazakAllah Khairan for yet again an excellent and inspiring piece of knowledge.
I saw you last night at Finchley Masjid and was inspired by you then as I was by reading your article above.
I pray that Allah rewards you and enables you to carry on your fantastic work.
Brother Faisel
But Mendela was a kind person who suffered for the oppressed. Surely Allah swt will take that into account?
@Kulsum: Yes, Allah will take that into account. Perhaps he will be placed not far from Abu Talib in Hell. Allahu Ahlam.
When you all comment based on your emotions, you forget something- that Allah is Just and Fair. As if you are all more just and fair than Allah because of your pity to a person. As if you know better than Allah and as if you know what is outside as well as the inside the heart of that man. Do you think you can complain if Allah judged you to be a companion of the unbeliever you pity and make you live where unbelievers will live?
Perhaps it is time for us all to examine our loyalty and commitment to Allah SWT.
O Allah, I surrender myself to You. Ameen.
masha’Allah, good points Natheer Ahmad…
Dear Br. Natheer Ahmad, us Salamu aleikum wa Rahmatullahi ta’aala wa Barakatuhu:
I agree with Sister Kulthum perhaps she is basing her argument on the Verses of the Noble Qur’an in which Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) Stated that it’s up to Him whether He Forgives or Punishes. If you want me to give references about the Verses, I’ll be more than happy to give the references. Allah Hafiz.
Dear bro Sultan, AsSalam o alaikum wa rahmatullah
I think you missed the verse of Noble Quran that Allah will Forgive any sin EXCEPT associating partner with him(shirk).
Honestly, I am feeling like crying … why cant muslims understand such simple things?? May Allah guide us all Aameen
Wa aleikum us Salam wa Rahmatullahi ta’aala wa Barakatuhu:
While I totally understand what you are saying, but my problem is when the servants of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta’aala) take it upon themselves to do His Job. Those Holy Verses that you are referring to is about shirk indeed, but how do we know if a person is a mushrik unless and until s/he admits to the shirk. Furthermore, Allah Azzawa Jal Has Stated clearly that it’s His Kingdom and He Punishes those whom He wants to and Forgives whom He wants to. That’s the point I am trying to make and I do sincerely apologize if my lack of knowledge of the Noble Qur’an has caused you to shed tears. Allah Hafiz.
Sultan, if the example of an-Nabi(S) and the Sahaba RA is not clear enough for you, then no example will be clear enough for you. They made it clear that they considered non-Muslims who heard of Islam and died non-Muslims were disbelievers.
Since it is clear he was not a Muslim, that is enough reason for you to realize that he was a mushrik.
Allah clearly states that he does not forgive the disbelievers and that their punishment is eternal. So if you use one ayah to negate the rest, then perhaps you belong among the group of people who believe a portion and disbelieve a portion of the book. You should indeed cry, and so should your mother, over your lack of knowledge. If you fail to recognize the kufr of the disbelievers, you have been expelled from the fold of Islam by consensus of the fuqaha. Therefore I advise you to adopt the only position available to a Muslim if you love Allah and His Messenger and seek the akhirah and wish to stay a Muslim.
Dear Furqaan,
Before sending others to hell fire… we as muslims should ponder upon the state of our minds and faith.
Hope you have heard below hadith.
There were two brothers in the Israel society (of Prophet Moses PBUH). One of them was very pious while the other was a sinner. The pious man used to advice his sinner brother. Once, conquered by anger he told : “Allah will never forgive you, nor you will enter Paradise”. When both of them will be presented in front of Allah (on the Day of Judgement), Allah would tell the sinner: “You may enter Paradise with my Mercy” and would tell the pious: “Did you think you know me better? Then, you go to hellfire.” After reporting this story told by Prophet (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), Abu Huraira (RA) said: “A single word one utter is enough to turn one’s destiny upside down.” [From Baihaqi, Shuabul-Imaan].
An incident narratted by Prophet (PBUH).
Great response. Sadly Muslims of today are what the Prophet (saw) said to be nothing but “gutha” ( rubbish). They do not have any concept of alwala wal bara. All part of the signs of qiyaamah.
Excellent article.It is true that Nelson mundella has worked hard to end aparthaid in South Africa and Allah(S.W.t) has rewarrded him in this world with nobility and status.However Allah(S.W.T) will judge wether we fulfilled his cmmandments on day of judgement.