Featured Non-News One God Many Names Spirituality Theology 47 Min Read

One God Many Names | Al-Samīʿ (The Ever Hearing) and Al-Baṣir (The Ever Seeing)

When hearts are devoid of Al-Samīʿ and Al-Baṣir, the pursuit for comfort becomes one of lifelong toil and despair.

Current Affairs Education Health Non-News 14 Min Read

The Muslim minority you never hear about

Bismillāh Alḥamdulillāh Wassalātu Wassalāmu ʿala rasūlillāh, Wa ʿala ālihi wa saḥbihī wa man wāla With deafness being the second largest disability in the UK, it is surprising that the overwhelming majority of the British public do not understand the concept of a Deaf culture. Honestly speaking, the concept seemed quite