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Ramadan 1443 Sacred Truths Spirituality Tarbiya 10 Min Read

Medicine Can Be Bitter – A Sacred Truth From the Qur’an

“And you may hate a matter whilst it is good for you and you may love a matter whilst it is bad for you, and Allah knows and you do not know.”

Ramadan 1443 Sacred Truths Spirituality Tarbiya Theology 15 Min Read

Allah Doesn’t Break Promises – A Sacred Truth From the Qur’an

Five promises Allah has made you that you don't want to ignore

Islamic Thought Ramadan 1443 Sacred Truths Tarbiya 13 Min Read

You Can Feel Sins – A Sacred Truth From the Qur’an

This maxim from the Qur'an highlights a natural impulse that all human beings have which we must control: the impulse to justify one's actions

Ramadan 1443 Sacred Truths Spirituality Tarbiya 11 Min Read

How to Achieve Goals: A Sacred Truth From the Qur’an

This Quranic principle means success in all goals, whether for your worldly life or hereafter

Words Have Power: A Sacred Truth From the Qur’an

We are excited to announce the release of a new series by our Tarbiyah Editor Sh Ali Hammuda, called ‘Sacred Truths’.