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Salim Bhorat

Salim Bhorat runs a business and technology consultancy. He was part of the first Muslim group to join the Stop The War coalition—JUSTPEACE (Muslims for Justice and Peace)—when it formed in 2001 and continues to work on such causes.
4 Articles

COVID-19 Pandemic: A Time for Muslims to Lead

18 Min Read

With COVID-19, the failures of living a capitalist and materialistic life are now being realised as people sit at home and reflect. This provides an opportunity for Muslims to utilise their Imān and show leadership in all matters during and beyond the epidemic.

The Muslim vote on the Referendum must be to REMAIN

7 Min Read This article is part of our EU Referendum debate series, click here to read more. Articles to Remain in the EU: Why I am voting AGAINST BREXIT The Muslim vote on the Referendum must be to REMAIN Articles to Leave the EU: Why I am voting for BREXIT The Muslim Brexit – No Justice No Peace Muslims in Britain have simply felt battered over the past few years with each passing week intensifying the Islamophobia.  This concerted and calculated frenzy feeds into one right wing discourse or another  – whether it be Britain First, UKIP, Neocon think tanks, the Government,

Protests on streets against ISIS? How absurd!

10 Min Read

  Following the recent attacks on Gaza, Muslims rightly took to the streets with protests and campaigns. This led to accusations on social media from the far right and Zionists, as what could only be described as a diversionary tactic, that Muslims only complained about Gaza and suggested Muslims protest against ‘their own’, namely ISIS.   Muslims across the spectrum, bar a very small minority of ISIS supporters, have strongly condemned the actions of the group and have clearly stated that the actions of ISIS are anything but Islamic. I personally refuse to call them IS as they are not an Islamic

Are you a 2.5 brick Muslim or do you care for more?

10 Min Read

Recently a friend’s builder made a huge accidental error in building terms, by building an extension that was 2.5 bricks too long. A neighbour wrote and complained to the local council asking whether planning regulations were being breached. This neighbour—also known to me over the years—would put himself across as “not educated enough” to write to his MP about anything, like for instance, the theft of not 2.5 bricks’ worth but the recent taking of 1,000 acres of Palestinian land by Israel. The past couple of months have been more than usually hectic – the onslaught on Gaza by the