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Shamim Alam

4 Articles

Are you afraid of getting old?

11 Min Read

Today’s life in the 21st century has become so frantic that we are trying hard to focus on our survival from day to day. To catch up we take every possible short-cut choice for our lifestyle, whether it is our food, finances, emotions, health, relationships or our overall perception of the world around us. We are becoming  more superficial than ever and trying hard to perfect our outer persona to the highest of standards at any price, so much so that we want to interfere the natural way our bodies grow and develop. In fact, in developed countries, old age is disapproved of and discriminated against by the

Are we turning into ‘Me, Myself & I’ Muslims?

16 Min Read

This phrase is very common and almost everyone understands the meaning behind it. And yet, funnily enough,  nobody would like to be associated with such a label even though most of us fall under this self-centred deception of Shayṭān as we focus on giving priorities to ourselves  and any object or idea that is directly pleasing to ourselves. Selfishness is the crux of the complex society today. It is a common observance that in simple societies of the past and even those of today, people are dependent on each other for survival, giving each other their due rights and hence

Attachment Theory for Muslims

9 Min Read

True and Everlasting Attachment The word attachment is a term used in Psychology to describe ‘an infant’s tendency to seek closeness to particular people and feel more secure in their presence” (Ernst R Hilgard and Richard C Atkinson 2000-90). John Bowlby, a leading British Psychoanalyst in Psychology, introduced this idea of attachment. A child’s failure to form a secure attachment to one or multiple persons in the early years is closely related to an inability to develop close personal relationships in adulthood (Bowlby, 1973). Bowlby’s attachment theory is supported by other psychologists who were interested in Human Behaviour. For that

How Islām brought a Light to English towns

13 Min Read

One Muslim's recollection of growing up in a migrant Asian community in the Midlands. In recent times there has been an overwhelming influx of discussion in British media about Muslim immigrants, and their assimilation and integration. There is a desperate search for a solution, though the questions being asked, I have noticed, are very selective. Having been a keen observer of this subject since my childhood, and having been a part of that experience, I feel it my duty to shed some light on this issue. I am drawing on very personal, historical, social, psychological, emotional, economical and even spiritual