To degrade the great aims of Hajj to things like choice of sandals is to do a great and lasting injustice to the fifth pillar of Islam.
Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad urges us to extract the utmost benefit from the Day of Arafah, by engaging in abundant dhikr and du'ā.
Ustadh Faizaan Mahmood talks about how we, as non-pilgrims, can make the most of the best days of the year!
Those who had performed their Hajj this year are returning back to their homes with the intention of starting a brand new life. This also means that the topic of Hajj will not be addressed for another year from today. But I want to do things differently...
A vessel of knowledge, a defender of the Sunnah, an exemplar of a worshipper, and – for those who saw him - a reminder of how the companions of the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ were.
Sh Adil Salahi masterfully describes the pilgrimage of the best of creation answering the call of his forefather Ibrahim (ʿalayhi al-Salām)
This year, Ramadan came at the perfect time during a time of collective difficulty. Now, a couple of months later, as life is slowly starting to move in a new direction, we prepare to welcome the blessed month of Dhul Hijjah.
Sh Omar Suleiman tells the Hajj “origin story” through the eyes of this great woman (alayha al-Salām).
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