Hajj 15 Min Read

The Scourge of “Hajj Sandals”

To degrade the great aims of Hajj to things like choice of sandals is to do a great and lasting injustice to the fifth pillar of Islam.

Dhul Hijjah Latest Seasonal Reminders 5 Min Read

Preparation for Day of Arafah for those who couldn’t go to Hajj

Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad urges us to extract the utmost benefit from the Day of Arafah, by engaging in abundant dhikr and du'ā.

Dhul Hijjah Latest Seasonal Reminders 6 Min Read

How to Live by the Pilgrim’s Code

Ustadh Faizaan Mahmood talks about how we, as non-pilgrims, can make the most of the best days of the year!

Lessons from the University of Hajj

Those who had performed their Hajj this year are returning back to their homes with the intention of starting a brand new life. This also means that the topic of Hajj will not be addressed for another year from today. But I want to do things differently...

Featured History Non-News 24 Min Read

Four Imams | The Son of a Soldier

A vessel of knowledge, a defender of the Sunnah, an exemplar of a worshipper, and – for those who saw him - a reminder of how the companions of the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ were.

Dhul Hijjah Featured Non-News Propagation Seasonal Reminders 28 Min Read

The Prophet’s ﷺ Hajj Described by Sh Adil Salahi

Sh Adil Salahi masterfully describes the pilgrimage of the best of creation answering the call of his forefather Ibrahim (ʿalayhi al-Salām)

Dhul Hijjah Featured Non-News Seasonal Reminders 10 Min Read

This Dhul Hijjah is Special

This year, Ramadan came at the perfect time during a time of collective difficulty. Now, a couple of months later, as life is slowly starting to move in a new direction, we prepare to welcome the blessed month of Dhul Hijjah.

Dhul Hijjah Featured Seasonal Reminders Women 26 Min Read

Hajar: The Woman that Changed the World

Sh Omar Suleiman tells the Hajj “origin story” through the eyes of this great woman (alayha al-Salām).

Featured Islamic Law Management Propagation 22 Min Read

The Fiqh of Haste

Is haste Haram?

Dhul Hijjah Featured Hajj Opinion Propagation Seasonal Reminders 13 Min Read

Reflections from Muzdalifah

Staying the Night in Muzdalifah