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Dhul Hijjah Hajj News News Spirituality 5 Min Read

In Pictures: Muslims celebrate ‘Eid al-Adhā across the world

With 2,371,675 pilgrims performing Hajj this year, Muslims all around the world celebrated ‘Eid al-Adhā - the greatest day in the sight of Allah

Hajj: Striving in the Path of Allāh

  “Here I am Allāh, Here I am to serve you here I am...” Hajj is the fifth pillar in Islām and is one of the greatest deeds one can accomplish in his or her lifetime. There is also another deed which is considered by some as being the sixth

Maximising Intentions for Hajj

How many intentions for Hajj can you think of? You might be surprised...

Practical and spiritual advice for those going to Hajj

Remember, you will not find the pleasure of Allāh where you want, rather where He wants...

Moon Sighting News News 3 Min Read

Dhul Hijjah and ‘Eid dates announced – 1439

Islam21c can confirm the beginning of the blessed days of Dhul Hijjah 1439. The official declaration of the Supreme Court of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be given in the coming hours, inshāAllāh.

25 Ways to Enter Jannah

We all say that we want to enter Jannah, however do we genuinely take the steps to attain this honourable state?

Featured Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Non-News Spirituality 12 Min Read

Are you struggling today?

As the scorching sun beat down on the sand, an exhausted man turned and began to walk away from his family. His shocked wife called out to him, asking where he was going. The man did not reply. Clutching their baby in her arms, she desperately asked: “Is this what

Current Affairs Education Health Islamic Thought Non-News 14 Min Read

The Muslim minority you never hear about

Bismillāh Alḥamdulillāh Wassalātu Wassalāmu ʿala rasūlillāh, Wa ʿala ālihi wa saḥbihī wa man wāla With deafness being the second largest disability in the UK, it is surprising that the overwhelming majority of the British public do not understand the concept of a Deaf culture. Honestly speaking, the concept seemed quite

Dhul Hijjah Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Non-News Ramadan Spirituality 18 Min Read

Happiness is Found Here

In no era in history has the means of comfort and welfare ever been so within reach like they are today. Never has the knowledge of the world’s complex mysteries and the ability of subduing nature's unfriendly elements ever been attained like it has today. Online shopping, laser eye surgery,

Featured History Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Non-News Propagation 11 Min Read

Response of a Sacrificed Son

The Response of the Sacrificed Son Ibrāhīm (ʿalayhi al-Salām) is the father of the Prophets, the leader of the monotheistic way, the intimate friend of Allāh and the father of the Imāms of mankind. He lived a life of struggle, having confronted the idolatry of his community from his early