Current Affairs Education Featured Research Spirituality 15 Min Read

The Spectacle of Suffering

The Spectacle of Suffering & Learning to Empathise The image of Aylan Kurdi, of a forlorn three year old boy alone on a beach, flat down on his face as sea water lapped over and around him, appeared to wake the conscience of millions. We were confronted with ourselves, our

Europe Featured History Opinion Politics Propagation 16 Min Read

Hitler isn’t as unique as people pretend

If Hitler were alive today he would be delighted to see how fast and far Europe is progressing down his preferred path. I suspect he would have particularly liked the phrase “multiculturalism has failed”. It might remind him of the time he said “the leader of genius must have the ability

Europe Featured General History Middle East Opinion Politics Propagation Syria UK 7 Min Read

Migration Myopia

For as long as people have resided on Earth, migration has been a major driver for historical change. Migration towards the ‘developed’ world was a growing trend in the 20th century, and many receiving communities became increasingly alarmed. Then came the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Arab spring, all of which do