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Unlocking Quranic Reflections

Following on from his last article, Abul Baraa gives some practical keys to look out for when making tadabbur of the Qur'ān...

How to Make Tadabbur in 10 Steps

10 ways to enable you to ponder over the Qur'ān...

8 Steps to Increase in Tadabbur

Let us consider these simple steps to enhance our reading and reflection of the Qur’ān, seeking to fulfil its right over us

Do You Really Have Time to Kill?

It is not uncommon to come across some who, in their youth display enormous activism in their Dīn, but when work, marriage or old age arrives their proactivity and enthusiasm begins to take a clear dip.

The True Servants of Allāh

What do we know about the “true servants of al-Rahmān”?

The Wing Of Humility

A must read for anyone with parents, before it is too late

How Valuable are You in the Sight of Allah?

Do we work more on our importance in the sight of other people, or in the sight of Allah? A powerful lesson from Surah Maryam...

“Know that the Messenger of Allah is among you”

"...if he were to follow your wishes in many things, you would suffer from it."

Believers, verify news!

"You who have faith! If a deviator brings you a report, scrutinise it carefully..."

Think you’re a “good” Muslim?

Which of these three categories do you fall into?