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Remembering Srebrenica 27 Years On

"As well as the unimaginable loss faced by the victims and their relatives, we must never forget that many who today claim higher values and principles, simply stood by and watched.”

Europe Featured History Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Politics 19 Min Read

From Prisoner to President: Remembering Bosnian Hero Alija Izetbegović

A man that saved countless lives, inspired nations, fought against the siege of Sarajevo and founded Bosnia-Herzegovina as an independent state.

News News News Europe 3 Min Read

Radovan Karadžić sentenced to life in prison over crimes against humanity in Bosnia and Herzegovina

"We grant them enjoyment for a little; then We will force them to a massive punishment..."

News News Opinion 6 Min Read

The European Genocide: Remembering Srebrenica

"As well as the unimaginable loss faced by the victims and their relatives, we must never forget that many who today claim higher values and principles, simply stood by and watched.”

News News Opinion 4 Min Read

Shedding Dry Tears over Srebrenica – 22 Years on

Today marks 22 years since the harrowing massacre of more than 8,000 Muslims between the ages of 7 and 70 at Srebrenica, Bosnia, at the hands of Serbia's military.

Surah al-Buruj: a crucial lesson on human suffering

“When they sat by it” Surah al-Buruj in light of Bystanding The place of ‘witnessing’ is a salient motif in Sūrah al-Burūj. At four points within the sūrah Allah draws our attention to forms of shahāda – ‘to witness’. He (subḥānahu wa ta’āla) swears by the shāhid ‘witness’ and mash-hūd

Current Affairs Europe Featured General Politics UK 8 Min Read

How To Create Hate

“What does it take for the citizens of one society to hate the citizens of another society to the degree that they want to segregate them, torment them? a psychological construction imbedded deeply in their minds by propaganda that transforms those others into ‘The Enemy’.” . On Monday the 4th

America Current Affairs Europe Featured Iraq Middle East Politics Syria UK US 15 Min Read

Warmonger Myths: Bosnia

Anyone with a passing acquaintance with neocon ideology is well aware of the formidable feats of moral gymnastics used to justify perpetual war and endless conflict abroad. Yesterday’s ten-hour-long “debate” in the House of Commons saw a barrage of rehearsed recitations on the need for dropping bombs on Syria, which

Current Affairs 11 Min Read

The Princess of the Islamic World: Bosnia

Only with Tawfīq from Allāh was I blessed to with the opportunity to travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina recently. I was fortunate to travel with Dr Abdul Bari who possesses a wealth of experience and insight, and Rofikul Islam who was on his 5th trip to Bosnia, māshāAllāh. I benefitted