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Abul Baraa

Abul Baraa studied Chemical Engineering at UCL, and now works full time for a major Engineering firm. Throughout his time at university, he was involved in Islamic Society da'wah and wrote a number of articles for the society's periodic newsletter. Abul Baraa is a firm believer of the necessity to continue Islamic Studies throughout working life, and is a regular attendee of a number of weekly circles. He has completed an in-depth study of Imām al-Nawawi's 40 hadīth with Ustādh Alomgir Ali, and has created a blog with summarised bullet-point commentary on each hadīth, which can be found on
13 Articles

Unlocking Quranic Reflections

15 Min Read

Following on from his last article, Abul Baraa gives some practical keys to look out for when making tadabbur of the Qur'ān...

How to Make Tadabbur in 10 Steps

13 Min Read

10 ways to enable you to ponder over the Qur'ān...

Be Like the One in I’tikāf

8 Min Read

As we are in the last 10 nights of Ramaḍān, and we are nearing the end of this blessed month, it is important for us to maximise whatever little time we have left of this sacred month.

Crying in Witr

7 Min Read

Many people cry during the duʿā in witr. However...

What is your intention whilst reading the Qur’ān?

9 Min Read

This Ramaḍān, a lot of us will no doubt be increasing the amount of Qur’ān we read, recite and reflect upon. A sad reality is, however, many of us may be losing out on multiplying and maximising the blessings and benefits we receive from doing this action, as well as others.  The Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wasallam) said, "Verily actions are but by intentions, and every person shall have (be rewarded for) what they intended."  Maximising the intentions was the trade of the hearts of the Sahābah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhum), the scholars, and those who know Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) very well. They used to carry out one action whilst having many intentions behind

He couldn’t stop crying at iftār time

8 Min Read

It’s the 30th day of Ramaḍān. I’m sitting in the Holy Masjid in Makkah with my iftār in front of me, waiting for the adhān to be called so I can break my fast and complete a month of trying to worship Allāh and trying to seek His pleasure. I look around, and everyone is all smiles and full of happiness as the month is drawing to completion, but then I notice someone making du’ā, and as the minutes are passing, and it is getting closer and closer to Maghrib, his du’ā seems to get more intense, and his breath is

Practical and spiritual advice for those going to Hajj

11 Min Read

Remember, you will not find the pleasure of Allāh where you want, rather where He wants...

An Offer You Cannot Refuse

7 Min Read

As I sat in the Prophet’s (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) masjid, trying to relax to prepare for Tarāwīḥ, I noticed an old man praying beside me. A while later, he came next to me to lie down and apologised and said, “Excuse me, but I’m 80 years old and my body is weak”. By Allāh, he did not lie down for more than a minute before he got up again and, looking at me, said, “Prayer in this masjid is equivalent to 1,000 prayers.” He stood up once again and continued praying. Although he was old, and Tarāwīḥ would

Imagine: the blessings of Ramadan all year round

10 Min Read

There I was, standing upright in my prayer, listening attentively to the imam’s beautiful recitation with tears rolling down my face from the fear of Allāh and out of hope for Allāh’s mercy. I had forgotten about the ache in my feet as I had been standing in prayer for over an hour now and I had just completed a long day fasting for the sake of Allāh. All that mattered to me then was that Allāh forgives my sins and that the imam continues reciting Allāh’s beautiful and effective words that resonate through the heart. Just over a month

Sha’bān 1435 vs. Sha’bān 1436

11 Min Read

What's the difference between Sha’bān 1435 and Sha’bān 1436? This question may seem confusing or pointless, but before you read on, I want you to ponder for a moment over what you feel the difference is. Sha’bān is the month where last year’s account of good and bad actions for every individual ascends to Allāh. As we know, there are four instances when our actions ascend to Allāh: the daily record, weekly record, yearly record, and the whole life record. We are encouraged to do good and seek repentance especially in these instances. The daily record ascends twice, as the actions of the