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The Suicide of Dutch girl Noa Pothoven and Finding Light in Our Darkest Moments

What outlook and remedy does Islām provide for some of our darkest and hardest moments?

The Status of the Heart

"No worldly matter, not even circles of knowledge or giving da’wah, are worth neglecting this vital organ over..."

Reviving the Flat-Lined Heart

A new series on the most important part of the body

Current Affairs Education Featured Propagation 16 Min Read

Our Children; Bullied to Death

It was in the winter of 1967 when a young, bespectacled boy named Steven Shepherd left his home and walked in heavy rain to strawberry fields in Newburgh, Lancashire. The fields were important to Steven. Some months prior, Steven had an unusual and momentary break from a sequence of abuse, physical

Deeds of Disbelief by Believers

Deliberation before Condemnation – Part 3 Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 The purpose of this series is one: To illustrate beyond doubt the very sophisticated nature of Takfīr, hoping that it will dissuade those who have been afflicted with such boldness to reconsider their behaviour and to busy themselves with those

Featured Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Spirituality 18 Min Read

“Repent, Believe and do Righteous Work”

And those who do not invoke with Allāh another deity or kill the soul which Allāh has forbidden , except by right, and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. And whoever should do that will meet a penalty. Multiplied for him is the punishment on the Day of Resurrection, and