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News 8 Min Read

Muslim charities need to be vocal on Palestine

An open letter by Human Aid & Advocacy is calling on British Muslim charities to raise their voices on Palestine.

News 10 Min Read

Israeli prisoners of war released on sympathetic grounds

Resistance movement cites humanitarian reasons, while promising more releases if the Zionist state ceases attacks

Opinion 8 Min Read

Western state media in disinformation drive to justify Gaza genocide

On Israel's genocide in Palestine, Maira Mirza from Human Aid & Advocacy warns that Western disinformation will fail.

News 5 Min Read

Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi writes to US and allies on Gaza genocide

Shaykh Dr. Ali Muhammad al-Sallabi has penned an open letter to the US and its allies in regards to the Israeli genocide of Palestine.

Fact Check 12 Min Read

Calling out atrocity propaganda to end Palestinian genocide

This is a message to media outlets spewing misinformation and twisted reporting of the Gaza-Israel war.

News 5 Min Read

Imams across the world defend al-Aqsa from the pulpit

From minarets to city centres, imams worldwide are joining in a harmonious chorus to peacefully advocate for al-Aqsa.

Campaigns 8 Min Read

Uyghur genocide: XPCC’s 69-year reign of oppression

Maira Mirza from Human Aid & Advocacy discusses the role played by a key facilitator in the oppression of East Turkestani Muslims.

Latest News News Asia News India 8 Min Read

BJP attempts cover-up as Indian court bans Muslim documentary

The Indian government continues to utilise the judiciary to block attempts at exposing its flagrant anti-Muslim hatred and policies.

Latest News News India 7 Min Read

9 years of India’s march towards Muslim genocide

On 26 May 2014, Narendra Modi was sworn in as Prime Minister of India. Today, we look at his steady drive towards ethnic cleansing of the country's Muslims.

Latest News News India News United Kingdom 6 Min Read

Far-right Hindutva nationalists fuelled Leicester violence, finds new evidence

In light of new evidence, isn't it time the UK government started cracking down on the growing violent Hindutva ideology and its BJP-affiliated sympathisers?