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Opinion 33 Min Read

7 myths about the school prayer ban and court ruling

The High Court has ruled in favour of Michaela School's discriminatory prayer ban; Yusuf Patel debunks a number of misconceptions.

Culture 20 Min Read

Advice to parents and schools after Michaela prayer ban

In the aftermath of the Michaela prayer ban and High Court judgment, many questions remain unanswered.

Six Lessons of Parenting from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Parenting Consultant Nur Choudhury distills six lessons in parenting from a profound hadith of the Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) with his young companion Anas b. Malik (radiy Allāhu 'anhu)

Featured Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Non-News Propagation Theology 8 Min Read

“Why Is There Eternal Punishment for Temporal Sin?”

"If a person commits a sin for a limited amount of time," some might ask, "how does this justify an eternity of punishment?" Maryam Iddir answers...

Featured Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Non-News Propagation Spirituality 18 Min Read

Ibn Qudāmah’s Ship

A Journey to the Island of Treasures

When Your Deeds Are Weighed

Shaikh Abu Rumaysah takes us through a powerfully detailed journey through the Day of Judgement...

The Reckoning

One of the most in-depth descriptions of the Day of Reckoning we have ever seen, māshā'Allāh...

Featured Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Non-News Research Scripture Theology 17 Min Read

Journey Through the Day of Judgement

"So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of bad will see it..."

When the Trumpet is Blown

They say: 'What! Shall we be brought back to life after we have turned into decayed bones?'

Lawyers on the Day of Judgement

Did you know that you can have advocates on the Day of Judgement?