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Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 0 Min Read

Face to Face: Muslim Integration

ʿAbd Allāh Thomson dispels common myths about Muslims and so-called "integration".

Current Affairs Europe Featured Politics UK 14 Min Read

A lesson from the Musalmans of Colonial India

Dispelling myths of Muslim integration Part 2: A lesson in integration from the Musalmans of Colonial India Click here for part 1 In 1871, in post Mutiny colonial India, Sir William Wilson Hunter published a report explaining the “danger to British power” of the “persistently belligerent class”: the Muslims. “The

Current Affairs Europe Politics UK Videos 12 Min Read

Popular lies about Muslim integration

Dispelling myths of Muslim integration  Part 1: Popular lies about Muslim integration Click here for part 2 The call for Muslims to integrate is getting ever louder. After the sky being blue the next most commonly accepted fact these days is that Muslims are not integrated. Interestingly no less an authority

Current Affairs General Islamic Thought Propagation 21 Min Read

Do Muslims belong in the West?

All Praise belongs to Allāh, Lord of the worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon His final messenger, Muhammad (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam). Do Muslims belong in the West? That the sahāba were the best of mankind after the prophets and messengers is widely known. Not only is their