Islamic Thought 23 Min Read

Has Gaza woken us up?

If the apartheid state's genocide of Gaza doesn't force us to cleanse our hearts, I do not know what will.

Islamic Thought 4 Min Read

Lessons taken from Operation al-Aqsa Flood

After half a year of genocide, here are some key points that must not get lost in the grand scheme of things.

Make sure to avoid haram dates this Ramadan

As Britain is the 2nd-largest importer of "Israeli" dates, many people don't realise they're buying something that is haram, because of cunning labels.

Islamic Law Islamic Thought Propagation 6 Min Read

Israil hurmaları ve tarım ile ilgili verilen fetva

Israil hurmaları ve tarım ile ilgili verilen fetva Click to read Fatwa in English İsrailliler tarım ürünlerinde dünyanın en büyük ihracatçıları arasında yer almaktadır. WhoProfits Araştırma Merkezi tarafından yayınlanan bir rapora göre, 2011 yılında yetiştirilmiş olan hurmaların 40% ı, 265 milyon dolar kâr ile ihraç edilmektedir. Çoğu hurma bahçeleri Ürdün’ün

Islamic Law Islamic Thought Propagation 9 Min Read

Fatwa op Israëlische Dadels en Landbouwproducten

Fatwa op Israëlische Dadels en Landbouwproducten Click to read Fatwa in English Israëliërs behoren tot ‘s werelds grootste exporteurs van landbouwproducten. Volgens een verslag van het WhoProfits Research Center, is 40% van de dadels die zij hebben geteeld in 2011, geëxporteerd met een winst van $265.000.000. De meeste dadel bosjes

Islamic Law Islamic Thought Propagation 6 Min Read

Fatwa: Es ist haram ‘israelische’ Datteln zu kaufen und zu verkaufen

Eine Fatwa über das kaufen und verkaufen von israelischen Datteln und anderen landwirtschaftlichen Produktionen Click to read Fatwa in English Israel ist einer der größten Exporteure von landwirtschaftlichen Produkten. Laut einem Bericht des WhoProfits Research Centers wurden 40% der Datteln, die sie in 2011 geerntet hatten, mit einem Gewinn von 265 Millionen $