All praises be to Allāh, and may peace and blessings be upon His prophet Muḥammad (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam). By the grace of Allāh, the following remarks are not indicative of most Du’āt and scholars, but it is nonetheless a growing problem which needs to be nipped in the bud…
I have been contemplating talking about the issue of Muslim speakers charging a lot of money for “Dawah” for a long time. Although I was initially reluctant to speak about it, I came to the decision to do so as the problem is getting no better. I feel that treatment for this problem should be sought and the issue can no longer be taken lightly. The key issue for me is the fact that Muslim speakers are among the carriers of the legacy of our Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam). As such, whether they realise it not, they are role models for Muslim communities. Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) says,
“Allāh will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge…”[1]
Likewise His Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said,
“Scholars are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets bequeath neither dinar nor dirham, rather their inheritance is knowledge, so whoever acquires it has gained a great share.”[2]
Dawah (calling) to Allāh is the noblest activity a person can be involved in. Allāh says in the Quran,
“And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allāh and does righteousness and says, ‘Indeed, I am of the Muslims!’?”[3]
This should not be treated as a job otherwise it will lose its spirit and the main factors that instil it with the power of influence: Barakah (divine blessing) and Ikhlās (true sincerity). These are not just two common Islamic words used to describe what is needed for giving simple reminders in Masājid. Rather, they are the fundamental ingredients for any successful Islamic movement that aims to transform complex societies. Hence, preachers, callers to Islām, speakers, students of knowledge and scholars need to build them and maintain them in themselves first, before asking others to have them. No Dawah will flourish and be successful, no matter how “professional looking” it may be, without the blessings of Allāh – which is a reward for the truthfulness of the people behind it. Allāh taught us the supplication of the Prophet Shuʿayb (ʿalayhi al-Salām):
“And my success is not but through Allāh. Upon Him I have relied, and to Him I return”.[4]
Allāh also says:
“And if only the people of the cities had believed and feared Allāh, We would have opened upon them blessings from the sky and the earth; but they denied [the messengers], so We seized them for what they were earning.”[5]
The Muslim community should also protect their Imāms, scholars and speakers. Although these remarks might be seen as criticism of Islamic speakers and scholars, they should also serve as a protection for them against their nafs (self; ego) and the temptations of earthly wealth. The Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) warned us that there is nothing more fearful and destructive to a person’s Dīn than the fitna (trial) of wealth and fame.
“Two hungry wolves set upon the midst of a flock of sheep are no more destructive to them than a man’s greed for wealth and fame is to his Dīn.’‘[6]
Muslim speakers should acknowledge that the fitna and desire for wealth and money are the second and third biggest temptations of the triangle of temptations: women, wealth and fame. Hence, they should read this article with a positive mind-set while seeking to improve and rectify their shortcomings. To illustrate what we are talking about, what follows are some unfortunate examples of the wrong practices that are becoming more and more common when Dawah organisations invite speakers to deliver Islamic courses or lectures.
It must be stressed, however, that this is not the case for Dawah in general, al-Hamdu lillāh. A great multitude of Imāms, du’āt and scholars continue to uphold the lofty standards set by the example of the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam). This is why the rise of this problem is all the more crucial to highlight and nip in the bud before it begins to tarnish the carriers and conveyors of Prophetic guidance.
Real life examples of the problem
– A speaker was invited to a city to attend a conference. During his stay in the city he visited a mosque for a Friday prayer. For whatever reason, the Khatīb of the mosque was not present and the speaker was approached and asked to deliver the khutbah in the mosque in the city in which he was already present. He said he would do so if he were paid an extra £1,000.
– A speaker delivered a lecture at an event. After this he sat amongst the members of the audience. There so happened to be a 10 to 15 minute segment in which a brother was supposed to offer reminders to the audience but he was unable to do so. The organisers asked the speaker to cover these 15 minutes. He requested an extra £200 to step out of his chair and share a reminder with the audience.
– One speaker was invited to speak at an event as it was known he would be travelling nearby on his way back to his home country. The organisers requested he make a stop-over at their event and offered to pay the difference in the journey. The speaker agreed to attend on condition that his entire travel expense be paid for, including the full price of his ticket. He requested a stay at a 5-star hotel as it would be a 12 hour stop over, and he later called to inform the organisers that he would be bringing his wife and required her ticket to be paid for as well.
– An Imām was invited to lead Tarāwīḥ prayers in a mosque in Ramadān. Because his recitation was widely appreciated, the mosque requested he extend his time leading the prayers each night from one hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. For extending his Salah for fifteen minutes, the Imām demanded more money.
– Some speakers even assign their personal assistants to speak on their behalf. They claim they are professionals and hence ask for “professional” contracts between the organisation of the speaker and the organisation inviting the speaker. I was shown a “professional” contract in which a speaker outlined his payment demands and stipulated that if the money was not paid on time a charge of 20% would be added to the fee. Perhaps they thought that charging riba (interest) is part of “professionalism”!
This is becoming ridiculous. The sorts of things some speakers are asking to be paid for or compensated are getting out of hand. The organisations that are inviting them are usually grassroots organisations that depend on donations from the public sphere. These organisations have budgets managed by the penny in order to run their activities and events, and yet, some of our speakers, our shuyūkh and our du’āt are demanding business class flights, specific types of beds, chauffeurs, masseuses and all manner of luxury. A brother in an Islamic organisation once told me that a speaker specifically defined Evian bottled water as the only water he drinks!
– I was once invited to a particular country to take part in a conference for a new organisation. They invited a number of speakers from different countries and they offered all of us business class flights. As this is a far away country, the business class would cost them unbelievable amounts of money. I thought of the poor children who are dying everyday due to hunger across that country and of myself taking a business class flight to that country, or to any other country, for Dawah. I remembered how Sheikh ʿAbdulraḥman al-Sumait (raḥimahu Allāhu), the most active Muslim preacher in that same region, used to travel for over 30 years in many such countries to deliver real Dawah. I also remembered Sheikh Sāliḥ al-Hussayyin, a senior scholar of Saudi Arabia who was also the Chief of the Administration of the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques. His position and family made it feasible for him to travel in first or business class, and yet, he refused to do so as he was giving Dawah; in fact there were reports that he used to sleep in a masjid instead of in hotels during his travels.
While I thought of this, I was so embarrassed that I could not bring myself to accept the offer to travel in business class for Dawah. When I arrived there, I found that all the other speakers had accepted the offer. No one denied it! I was utterly confused.
I showed my surprise at the offer and the acceptance of the offer despite the financial difficulties this organisation—and in fact its whole country—was going through. Their answer was simply: We never requested it, we just accepted their offer.
After my answer for a question regarding this issue was uploaded online, I received so many messages from many brothers, sisters and organisers who were suffering in silence. They provided detailed examples of speakers’ demands. A brother sent me the following:
“It’s a big crisis! I’ve seen du’āt who asked for £6K per day! One speaker from the U.S. asked for £75K for one weekend. Two speakers wouldn’t pray Tarāwīḥ in Ramaḍān when on tour and, instead, spent their nights playing PlayStation games in their hotel rooms. Some speakers have a list of restaurants they will eat in and refuse to eat anywhere else. Some are driven by brothers for an entire tour but don’t even bother to learn the brother’s name because ‘he’s only a driver’. Some even refuse to give reminders after jamaʿah prayer during Ramaḍān and when they do finally say some words, they repeat the exact same reminder that has been on their YouTube channel for years; nothing new.”
Another brother told me a speaker asked for 50% of the money that was raised during a fundraising event. Another told me about a speaker who was getting £1,500 every day in Ramaḍān for fundraising for different organisations. A fourth brother told me about an organisation that arranged a tour for an Imām leading Tarāwīḥ in Ramaḍān who was charging mosques or halls £5,000 per night. A speaker requested through his “secretary” a First Class ticket for making a journey within Europe, which would not take more than two hours despite the fact that it is four times the price of the Standard class.
Some of these examples are incomprehensible; the most ridiculous one being that the director of an Islamic organisation told me of a speaker who asked for 5 personal assistants to accompany him for his journey to deliver two or three talks in a conference. His justification was,
“We should not accept that actors and footballers are paid more than Islamic preachers.”
It is an unfortunate truth that on many occasions, many speakers from many countries seem to be more keen to capitalise on people’s needs. It is not about £10 or £1,000. The problem is the concept and the attitude some of these speakers have; that they would make inordinate demands to give Dawah, to give reminders to people, to lead Salāh. This is not Dawah, this is a holiday and a business.
Double Standards – Actions Speak Louder Than Words
The matter here is not about whether it is ḥalāl or ḥarām to make money from giving Dawah. One of the many issues we have towards this attitude is the double standards of these speakers who promote one manner of living and yet they take advantage of others to live another lifestyle. As speakers we are quick to quote a number of āyāt on the distractions of the life of this world, those āyāt that confirm that this life is merely an amusement or game.
“Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children – like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allāh and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.”[7]
As speakers we encourage people to be fearful of Allāh so that they may be charitable and not be so indulged in the Dunya. We remind our listeners of the ḥadīth of the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) who said, “Is not the world cursed and everything in it? It is so except for the remembrance of Allāh and what facilitates it…”[8] or his (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) advice to fear the Dunya.
Abū Saʿīd Khudri reported that Allāh’s Messenger (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said,
“The world is sweet and green (alluring) and verily Allāh is going to install you as vicegerent in it in order to see how you act. So avoid the allurement of women: verily, the first trial for the people of Isrā’īl was caused by women. (And in the ḥadīth transmitted on the authority of Ibn Bashshar the words are:) so that He should see how you act.”[9]
How could I possibly discourage people from being so immersed in the luxury of the Dunya and then be the first one to chase its luxury and decoration?
Requesting travelling expenses or other such necessary expenses is understandable. Even requesting, openly and honestly, that you would appreciate any money the organisation is able to pay is acceptable, although it is not necessarily the best. But, why must it be a First Class flight? Why must it be a 5-star hotel? Why must the room be a particular width and length with a particular window view? We must bring an end to such nonsense and extravagance.
As a courier of the words of Allāh and His Messenger, I should feel embarrassed to ask for luxurious enticements of the Dunya that I have no need for. If we were to tell people who donate their money to our organisations that their money would go to pay for the luxury and ostentation of certain speakers we could be sure they would decline the need to listen to these speakers. Here I ask every single speaker who requests luxury treatment: do you really care for the hundreds of thousands of children who die every day due to a lack of basic necessities? If you are talking about Dawah and caring for people’s religion, then you should ask yourself whether you care for thousands of poor people who leave Islām due to evangelicals taking advantage of their financial needs.
Examples from the life of the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam)
In response to what I am sure is the primary ‘reason’ behind these speakers’ demands—that they have families to support—I must ask: Is this lecture you are going to deliver the only source of income you have? And, if it is so, do not make a business out of it. Dawah is not meant to be business or to make money. This leads us to another important point which is the need for Muslims to establish their own institutions that can fund these speakers. It is a call for businessmen to sponsor not only Dawah projects but imāms, scholars and speakers. Until then, speakers should remember that they are the leaders for the Ummah and leaders are required to sacrifice more than the rest of the Ummah. This is how all our leading predecessors lived their lives following the model of the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam):
The Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) was seen by ʿUmar (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) with dust on his clothes from having slept on the floor. ʿUmar (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) wished to provide the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) with a more comfortable bed and the reply was,
“What have I to gain in this world? The like of this world is as that of a traveller who is travelling in the sun and he sits under a tree momentarily and then gets up and continues on.”[10]
It was narrated that ʿĀ’ishah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanha) said: The Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) never ate his fill of wheat bread for three days in a row, until he passed away.[11]
She (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanha) also said: We used to look at the new moon, then the new moon, then the new moon, three new moons in two months, and no fire would be lit in the houses of the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam). She was asked: What did you live on? She said: The two black ones, dates and water, but the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) had some neighbours from among the Ansār and they had milk-animals; they would send some of their milk to the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) and he would give it to us to drink.[12]
It was narrated from her (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanha) that she said: The Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) died when there was nothing on my shelf that a living being could eat except a handful of barley.[13]
And she (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanha) said: When the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) died, he had not eaten his fill of bread and olive oil twice in one day.[14]
It was narrated that an-Nuʿmān b. Bashīr (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) said: ʿUmar mentioned what people had got of worldly gains and he said: I saw the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) spending the whole day suffering because of hunger, and he could not even find inferior-quality dates with which to fill his stomach.[15]
It was narrated from Anas b. Mālik (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) that the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) never ate soft bread or a roasted sheep until he met Allāh.[16]
It was narrated that Ibn ʿAbbās (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) said: The Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) would remain hungry for several nights in a row, and his family would not be able to find any supper, and most of their bread was barley bread.[17]
It was narrated from Abū Hurayrah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) that the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) used to tie a stone to his stomach because of hunger.[18]
ʿAmr b. al-Hārith (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) said: The Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) left nothing behind except his weapon, his white mule and some land that he left behind as a charity.[19]
We could go on and on in describing the life of the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) but I hope this will suffice for our speakers, imāms and duʿāt. Unfortunately, some will not be convinced and would still argue that this was the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) and they cannot be like him. They may also say that the context has changed. It is for this reason I am dedicating an entire, and rather lengthy, article to discussing this issue.
Making money from Dawah:
On another note, it should be mentioned that scholars have differed on whether taking money to teach Qur’ān in particular or Islamic knowledge in general is acceptable. The two opinions are:
(i) that it should be taught for free;
(ii) that it is permissible to accept payment for it.
Each side has his own evidence and proofs and hence there is not much point of using these textual evidences themselves to give preference for one opinion over the other. Rather, we should focus on what is agreeable by all or most of the scholars. The speakers, when taking money for delivering lectures or any Islamic activity, should bear in mind some key points:
I. Their intention should not be money, wealth, the Dunya or doing business. Rather, it should be Dawah. Receiving salary or compensation should be, at best, a secondary intention. The best rule to apply here is what Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned regarding taking money to perform Ḥajj. If we make Ḥajj for someone with the intention of making money our Ḥajj will be invalid, however, if we accept money in order to facilitate us making Ḥajj then, inshā’Allāh, we receive the reward of Ḥajj. Similarly, we may take money to be able to give Dawah, but we should not give Dawah in order to take money.
II. Speakers should not take advantage of the situation as it means that they are using Dawah for a personal gain. Furthermore, it is unethical to take financial advantage of situations related to the Dīn. I have seen speakers take advantage while staying in the hotel as it was paid for by the organisers. In a single night, one speaker made a telephone call which cost more than £130. Another speaker was eating and drinking as if he had been starving for a year.
III. In the case of the speaker who does not have a job, then he should deal with Dawah as he would deal with a job, expecting similar payment, contractual agreements, penalties or even compensation. However, some du’āt and speakers have business managers to run the financial issues related to his Dawah. Before agreeing to deliver a lecture, the organisers have to go through a nightmare in negotiating the terms and conditions with personal assistants or business managers. If the speaker is in a difficult financial situation I recommend he make a request of the organisers to be given anything they can afford by way of a gift or help. He should not make it the fee for his talk.
Anas b. Mālik narrated that the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam):
“Whoever makes the Hereafter his goal, Allāh makes his heart rich, and organises his affairs, and the world comes to him whether it wants to or not. And whoever makes the world his goal, Allāh puts his poverty right before his eyes, and disorganises his affairs, and the world does not come to him, except what has been decreed for him.”[20]
IV. Speakers should remember that whatever amount of money they save an organisation will be considered as Sadaqah given by them. When the speaker avoids requesting luxury accommodation, transportation or food, then he is actually saving some money that will later be used for Dawah.
V. Speakers should remember that any behaviour can be given a justification. However, they should remember that they are dealing with Allāh. Allāh is supervising all of our actions.
“Rather, man, against himself, will be a witness, Even if he presents his excuses.”[21]
VI. It is impermissible, in many cases, for Muslim organisations to spend Dawah money on luxuries or what is beyond the need. Examples include business class tickets, expensive hotels, food and transportation or even spending money. The fundamental principle is, Sadaqah money is to be spent according to what it was requested for along with the intention of the giver. The organisation is just an agent to distribute the money on behalf of the giver and hence they do not have the freedom to spend it the way they decide. This is a topic I will elaborate on in further detail in another article, inshāAllāh.
My dear brothers and sisters, we have to remember that Allāh is our Master and our Lord. He owns everything and He controls everything. He turns the heart of people and He aids those who aid His Dīn. He is the one who said,
“O you who have believed, if you support Allāh, He will support you and plant firmly your feet.”[22]
Hence, we should remember that no matter how hard we try to be successful in our Dawah, the first element for success of our Dawah comes from Allāh. He (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) gives success in Dawah to those whom He knows are honest, sincere and truthful about Dawah.
“And Allāh will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allāh is Powerful and Exalted in Might.”[23]
[1] Al-Qur’ān, 58:11
[2] Narrated by Tirmidhi, Abū Dāwūd and others.
[3] Al-Qur’ān, 41:33
[4] Al-Qur’ān, 11:88
[5] Al-Qur’an 7:96
[6] At-Tirmidhi
[7] Al-Qur’ān, 57:20
[8] Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2322
[9] Reported by Saḥīḥ Muslim, no 2742.
[10] Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2377, Book 36, Hadith 74
[11] Narrated by al-Bukhāri (5374) and Muslim (2970)
[12] Narrated by al-Bukhāri (2567) and Muslim (2972)
[13] Narrated by al-Bukhāri (3097) and Muslim (2973)
[14] Muslim (2974)
[15] Muslim (2978)
[16] Narrated by al-Bukhāri (5385)
[17] Narrated by at-Tirmidhi (2360); classed as Ḥasan by al-Albāni in Saḥīḥ at-Tirmidhi
[18] Narrated by Ibn al-A‘rābi in al-Mu‘jam (21); classed as Ḥasan by al-Albāni in as-Silsilah as-Saḥīḥah (1615)
[19] Narrated by al-Bukhāri (3098)
[20] Tirmidhi Vol. 4, Book 11, Ḥadīth 2465. Some scholars believe that it is strong and some believe that it is weak.
[21] Al-Qur’ān, 75:14-15
[22] Al-Qur’ān, 47:7
[23] Al-Qur’ān, 22:40
This is an excellent read. It is not about whether speakers can make money or not- they should as they have households to run. But unfortunately under the guise of dawah they are making money whereby they bound themselves in contracts with organisations and charities and therefore cannot attend events unless it’s with their contractual organisation- THIS is the major problem. Limiting dawah because of money. Families and youth who cannot afford tickets are being prevented from getting access to “celeb” dawah brothers and sisters.
Unfortunately this problem has only occured due to us- giving people a status of a celebrity and refusing to attend the talks in our masjids by those better qualified but lesser known.
It seems more of a vacation package that they are demanding for especially since they are bringing their spouse for a “dawah trip” and demand to stay at a 5 star hotel. Very shameful individuals!
We had invited Shaykh Jalal Abulalrub to give a lecture series in Salt Lake City back in 2012 or so and he didn’t demand a single penny!!! He never even brought up the topic of money EVER. We merely paid for his airline ticket and hotel and that was it!
As-salam Alaykum my Muslim brothers, May Allah forgive us all. We are best of creation, we lead by example , We pray Salah in the same way, we visit the same Hajj, Ramandan as well, then why are some Muslim living life of hardship, when the prophet as said Muslim to Muslim are one body, if one part of the body has problem others will not feel ok, Am not happy, as islam is practicing here, Muslims are suffering, suffering for relgion understanding, They love world, they dont’ want to live poor life. to spend in cause of Allah is difficult. Allah teach me of a plot, we gather every mosque in our community, to do things together. because many of muslims are converting to Christianity because they give job, Qimar and Niqab is too cost our women cannot avoid it, hey dress westerners, we need Niqb and Qimar to be giving free in the Masjid, soon its our women with Niqab/Qimar will dominate the society. I beg whoever can help, Allah will help him. here are names of the Mosque: 1) Al-Ghazali Mosque
2) Al-Hamd Odeku Central Mosque
3) Koso Mosque
4) Umar Bn Khatab Central Mosque
5) Ore-Oluwa Mosque, Bankole
6) Al-Irshadul Islamiy Central Mosque
7) Ife-Oluwa Mosque
8) Owonikoko Mosque
9) Asaaju Oluwalose Central Mosque
10) Idi-Ishin Central Mosque
11) Aba-Ogbeni Mosque
12) Akinfenwa Mosque
13) Aanu Oluwapo Mosque
14) Area 1 Central Mosque
15) EjideleAjila Mosque ,
16) With God Estate Mosque…………..
We provide food, Quran, Books, Cloth as mentioned above. i beleive that if this is done in the society, soon is will dominate the city.
Account No: 0026342712
Account Name: The Muslim Forum
Bank: Stanbic IBTC
Ya Sheikh Haitham, Jazakallahu Khair. May Allah Azza Wa Jal bless you for bringing this issue up. I personally have gone through the experience of trying to get two sisters as guest speakers to come to our college’s MSA. One was charging $2500, round trip flight for her and her husband, hotel accomodation, food, and transportation for her and her husband, $300 for videographer, and a platform as well as 2 volunteers for the sister to have her book signing. The other sister was initially charging $3500 and for 2 nights hotel stay, but I was able to get her to agree to $2000 and 2 nights hotel stay. Regardless, charging this much for da’wah is ridiculous. May Allah Azza Wa Jal protect us.
Son of Adam which i included nothing will fulfil his belly apart from mud.
Alhumdulillah. An article on a very important topic.
Would serve well if this important tarbiyyah could be taught to one of the Sheilkh’s student’s. So much fitnah is caused by individuals who seek fame and financial reward.
Also I am surprised that Religious dawah books are “copy right”. Huge amount is to be paid to republish books in other countries.
What is the difference between “teaching” and “giving lessons”
Giving lessons:
The teacher repeats the lecture he is giving for 10s of years
The teacher never bothers whether the students understood the lesson.
His concern is “his contract is fulfilled” and he gets salary.
These type of teachers hardly get any respect from students
Teacher is totally involved while delivering the lecture
Interacts with students, clears their doubts and puts efforts till students are cleared
Salary is not is ultimate
These type of teachers are remembered by their students for a long time.
Analogy hold for this article.
Alhamdullilah how this topic has finally been raised. As someone who worked albeit on a small scale for years within dawah organisations it is a small relief this topic has been addressed. Its not just dawah organisations but charities too ( for eg being able to use charity money to ourchae luxury cars under the guise of business vehicles when they’re merely uaed for ones own personal every day activities).
I do not believe the article to be harsh as some have suggested but to-the-point and a much needed reminder to those who exploit their positions as i do believe we live in a time where narcissicism, hayat, taqwa and shame are almost extinguished within the ummah ( may Allah swt guide us all ameen).
I do belueve such speakers need to be advised privately and if they do not change the public / organisations should be made aware.
Umar ibn abd Al Aziz Rahiamuallah had such taqwa hat he woukd refraij frok using the lamp of the people when discussing oersonal matters. E woukd distinguish the lamp having completed discussions re his people and would ligt his own lamp when discussing his own internal matters! Differnt context same principle. How can a speaker or daee demand money or luxuries from organisations and charities to pay for their own personal expenses is quite is beyond me!
And indeed Allah swt knows best!
JazakAllahu khair to Sheikh Haitham
I work in the third sector and the truth is, all the charity organisations I know, endorse what sheikh Haitham said. We all communicate on a common group and in fact, after the sheikh’s article many in the industry sought to reaffirm their intention and correct this ill action that has been taking place. Alhamdulillah to He Who sends us a person to remind us our Deen and correct our affair. We need much more of this. Please keep it coming.
Not only do they demand luxurious fees and accommodations but they also “borrow” money from their students (fans) and never repay it. Use it to line their bespoke pockets! Please stop this cancerous cycle of pay-for-religion ~ there are plenty of good men and women willing to spread the message for nothing but the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger! If they ask you to commit to a speakers fee for friday khotba and mawlids or advising the community just shut the door in their face man! Nobody is worth it especially not some DEEN PIMPS! more honour for you to break a sweat and get a real job!
If you attend an event where a “celebrity” $cholar is attending, ask the organisers how much they are being paid +expenses. If they don’t, don’t attend and don’t donate
‘Deen pimps’ excellent new word!
Every penny should be transparent to the public
These speakers should be named and shamed!!
Alhamdulillah. Finally, someone like Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad (Hafithahullah) is talking about the comedy, joke and circus that making money out of dawah and the dawah business has become.
We should name them ‘prevention measure’!
This is a lovely reminder for all of us. To do things with sincere intentions.
If these were Christian evangelicals we’d be naming and shaming. no one is above that for being Muslim in fact they should be held to a more rigorous standard.
What this article essentially is, is a call to zuhd, just because one is da’ee. There are enough people out there to take advantage of well meaning people and if these people are like this then its only a symptom of the system they are in.
Imams don’t even get paid a fair and decent wage, they are teachers and should be on par with what a teacher earns, if not more.
Obviously a person taking advantage is to be weaned out, but this article does no such thing instead critisising a sympton than the source of the problem. If these people were taken care of as they should be, as servents of the public (ummah) then this problem and article and complaint wouldn’t exist.
Don’t think we should name them, but hope these speakers take heed and the organizers to make wiser decisions when they are asked for ridiculous demands.
One doesn’t want to judge anyone especially scholars as one cannot enter their hearts…but this is a good reminder for scholars not to judge others as some things I read in this article could be worse than other sins people commit….
what came to my mind while reading this is Ibn al Qayyim’s sayiing:
“the Deen itself is manners. Anyone surpassing you in manners is better than you in the Deen”
Time is money. Living expenses are high. If speakers who are not wealthy choose to give time, not having a job, to learn, prepare, travel, and talk then they should be is the world we live in…they have more than one mouth to feed…however, one should not be greedy…and some of the stories in the article are shocking…i would turn away from such people…
Will be good if dawah organisation accounts and financial report be released annually where the money is being spent.Will be a good thing for transparency and people will be confident money is being spent effectively. Hope I haven’t said anything to stir up trouble
Praise Allah that I don’t need anyone’s money for doing Dawah. I have been given envelopes from both Muslim and Christian organizations and Churches when doing Dawah events, but I have GIVEN IT STRAIGHT BACK, and told them to give it to their charities. May the Almighty Allah always keep me self sufficient, Ameen.
I have read the article, but without clear sources being referenced it’s just hearsay. I agree this problem exists and all the people need to sit together and formally discuss this. The early scholars barely were able to make ends meet and today when discussions are raised about 5 star hotels it’s a damning inditement on the ones who are suppose to be showing us the light. Many of the current modern day organisations need to show greater transparency. i am not against taking money but has to be reasonable and the examples and numbers given are mind bogling as even top Dr’s and lawyers don’t earn these numbers. Numerous examples were given in the article but nothing to coroborate any of it, the example of the £1000 khutbah or the £200 15 minute reminder which organisation with any sense would pay that ??? Plus if this happened the person needs to be named.. If you going to write articles like this the sources must be mentioned a brother says is NOT ENOUGH.
This video clip by Yawar Baig is an interesting piece on the pitfalls of modern dawah and talks about this subject matter in detail
Listen to the below link which talks about pitfalls of modern dawah in detail
This is by Yawar Baig
Jazakallah Khairan
This was much needed fatwa,
I would recommend it be discussed at the scholarly level, and that letters and meetings with scolars are held to rais this issue.
For the communities and organizations, letters should be sent not to spoil the scolars by gining in and accepting high payments and conditions of that sort. There are always other options and the ummah is full of humble god fearing scholars.
May Allah reward you so much for touching on this issue
السلام عليكم Dr. For your wonderful writing on the money issue.
I think payment should be based on a speaker’s loss of earning. For example if one is earning £200:00 per day & it takes 3 days for a speaker to travel, deliver & prepare a speech +cost of the travel.
Travel cost again should be based on cheapest mode of travel. This is what some government organisation usually practice.
However, for day to day life, if some one speaker uses first class travel & 5 star hotel that can also be considered.
Some speakers exploit weakness of Islamic organisation. They know they can raise big amount of fund & they want a big slice from it. Like profit sharing – it’s purse greed.
End of the day speakers must also know where the money is coming from & can they justify with Allah.
So is the case of must trustees.
jazakAllaahu khayr, an extremely important issue being raised. In light of the this, I thought now would be a good time if any to share my first hand personal experience of this dawah diva culture.
A long time ago, in a place far far away, I was head of a organisation that used to run Islamic courses for students. We invited a teacher who is world famous in the dawah scene. Initially he requested to have business class tickets which we declined because our budget wouldn’t allow it (it wasn’t a charity so money wasn’t being incorrectly used) but he agreed standard tickets in the end. I remember when he arrived, amongst other very specific demands, he requested a phone (with plenty of credit!) so he could make calls during his 2 or 3 days stay in the country.
Another example I know of first hand is during my days at university in Queen Mary. A speaker was invited for an ISOC event, once again world famous. After numerous emails with his secretary, he demanded payment up front which reluctantly was given to him. Not the end of the world but, on the day of the talk, he cancelled last minute and kept the fee regardless!
However, it should be noted and emphasized this is by no means a reflection of all daees or imams or students of knowledge, as mentioned in the article. Having organised many courses and talks in the past, I know the personal situation of some of the daees and imams, many of whom do not charge at all (may Allaah bless them) but are in difficult financial situations. I think its important to have a balanced view regarding this. It is down to the organisations and charities to stamp out the behaviour and this trend of treating daee’s like celebrities. If someone is overly demanding, then simply don’t invite them as a matter of principle. Islaam does not need them and the dawah will continue without them. Rather, it is them that are in need of Islaam. At the same time, it is upon the communities to look after their imams and duaat’s. You can’t pull out the feesabililah card when it suits you. Some people think that you shouldn’t pay imams and duaats at all. However they have families and bills to pay like us. One could argue that if they are paid a reasonable amount, then they will be more effective in their dawah as they will not have to spend their time and efforts seeking a livelihood through other avenues. Islaam is about balance, we should be neither extravagant nor niggardly.
“Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just (balance) between those (extremes);” [Quran 25:67]
As for these da’ees and speakers who are abusing their positions and using the religion for material gain, we remind them to fear Allaah. As Sufyan ath-Thawri said: “The worst job is to seek the world through the actions of the hereafter.” [Siyar A’lam al-Nubala, p.243]
Agree with article totally, another issue I find with some of these so called high powered speakers/ motivators is why are they so abdominally challenged many a time surely that is also against the sunnah, unless of course it is a genetic condition which can be excused.
What an excellent level headed comment
As Slaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah ya sheikh al karim.
Jazak Allahu Khairan for yet again speaking about a real life fithnah that affects our community.
Totally agree with you.
May Allah give you the tawfeeq to continue serving his deen.
Assalamu alaikum. May Allah reward the author for highlighting and raising awareness of this menace. I believe, in the interests of full disclosure and for donors to know where their hard earned money is being spent, da’wah organizations that collect any money from the public need to make public the expenses on the speakers they invite. If someone from the organization is footing speaker’s bills from their own pockets then it may be ok to keep this information between the speaker and the organization, but if even a penny is being utilized from donors money to fund such expenses, then the public needs to know how it is being spent as well.
What about government scholars? Government Imams, Khateebs, Scholars? Who justify everything Gov. needs as they are on the pay roll? We are really good with enjoining good and forbidding evil with the powerless than the powerful. I like the article, but its scope needs to include Government scholars
Allah ho Akhbar, this was long needed as I have felt this same issue in my heart again and again and whenever I would mention it in passing I would get shot down with the same exact excuses as outlined above.
May Allah preserve you Shaykh. Ameen
I am so very glad this article has been written. As a revert to Islam of nearly 20 years, I remember the days when the dawah was simple and pure. Many of us sat crowded within the masjid listening to speakers who delivered real knowledge and did so without asking for a penny. I am very saddened the turn the dawah has taken. As a Director of a charity, I absolutely refuse to spend the beautifully intended donations of my fellow brothers and sisters to feed the luxurious life of a speaker. I believe organisations and charities are partly to blame for this malady. It has to stop. May Allah guide us all. Ameen.
yeah you’re not exactly a nice person, but maybe that’s just me 🙂
Alhamdulillah, I always found blessings in the knowledge taught by imam/scholars for free.
Dawah – if they want to charge a huge fee and the organisation cannot afford it say no? What prevented you from saying no? Was it your greed, trouble or your lack of personal development/understanding or wanting fame or competition? Did you consult your other half or female employees/relatives in these matters before you made these decisions?
Insha Allah we must minimise the spread of evil. It’s good to be aware of this problem and to nip it in the bud. It’s time also we ask/understand the financial account of our mosques and charities and make changes to suit the area we live in.
Please kindly write on many other issues far far more dangerous to our relationship with Allah, e.g. lack of education (Islamic and Duniyah) and lack of emotional support for widowhood, divorcee, childhood, marriage, parenthood, as an employee, business/work/social interactions, social/leisure, old age, health, money matters. What support are you giving to a widow, divorcee, couple – they are desperate for knowledge/interaction but useless inanimate object that are leading our Islamic institutions/charites/mosque cannot help, for that you need humans especially those who have ability to see ahead/future, e.g. the life of Prophet Muhammd (saws).
Courage, confidence, assertiveness, dignity can only come if you know Islam and you fight those who stop you progressing and continue to learn and remove the weak leaders of our communities with one on mercy, justice and excellent social interaction with all members of his communities especially those who do not come to the mosques/organisations or even telephone for help/access, facilities not provided = 80%?
Merciful Allah, forgive and guide us. Amin.
This is a good article masha allah and there are two extremes like the sheikh mentioned, but something many people seem to forget is the struggle and hardship many of these students go through while studying abroad, many people think studying abroad is all fun and games while its far from that. Students work extremely hard for six – ten years and sacrifice the most important years of their life to seek knowledge, yet once they graduate they have to choose between giving dawah or pursuing another career, maybe even having to do another degree because of the small amount of opportunities available for students of knowledge. Studying abroad can be both stressful and extremely difficult yet people want students to take on the responsibility of guiding a community for as little money possible sometimes even for free, how is this man going to live. Do you know the amount of hours students of knowledge put into seeking knowledge, some starting as early as before fajr and ending at night just before they sleep, all of this time is taken up by memorizing, reviewing, reading , writing etc. Yet people still undermine students of knowledge, the mental struggles a student has to go through every time he comes back to the west and see’s everone he knows progressing in life yet he’s still at the same position he was when he left a many years ago. These islamic organization are not free from any blame aswell, they try to take advantage of students of knowledge and once they have reached their goal they get rid of them as if they’re some baggage they want to unload. If a hardworking student/sheikh has certain requests then they should be fulfilled as he deserves it, some disbelievers pay thousands of pounds to have certain speakers teach them something yet this student/scholar is coming to teach you your religion and you want to take advantage of the man as if his knowledge is worthless.
Who is stopping them progressing in life? The whole model of the returning student needs to be re-examined. Graduating students should aspire to develop other fee generating skills away from the sphere of dawah to keep their intentions pure and develop them as well rounded individuals. By doing this they will also command much greater respect in the eyes of their congregations who live in the real world. Look at Shaikh Al-Albani who in his early days would mend watches and the same can be said about other luminaries like Abu Hanafeeh(r). Vocational training should ideally feature in all Islamic education programmes.
As Salamu Alaikum my dear brother,
I have been abroad for several years trying to learn the basics of our beautiful deen & I know the struggle you mention from first hand experience and is largely true. But I chose that path of sacrifice for the sake of Allah myself without any compulsion from the community.
If any student of knowledge have the ‘thinking & logic’ of the one you describe above, I am sorry to say that the so called ‘student of knowledge’ has Totally Missed the point of gaining ilm altogether. Has he gained all of that knowledge so that he can use that to make money? Does the gaining the pleasure of Allah come into the equation at all?
He or she does not deserve the title of ‘student of knowledge’. They lack the basic understanding of Islam & dawah. Someone of this mentality should not be invited to depart the sacred knowledge of the deen, let alone us satisfying their vain desire for luxury on the Muslim communities account.
Perhaps the only thing they should lecture on is Capitalism.
Look at the lives of the great scholars. They all worked and ran business. Imam Abu Hanifa is famous for this. Even the Prophet ran his wife’s business. Making dawah the business is hard as your intention can get mixed up.
Did the the prophets ever charge for knowledge? Did the messenger Mohammad saw ever charge his companions money to convey the message to them? No so why are some off are scholars and speakers chargeing money, Islamic knowledge should be free of charge.
Sh Haitham حفظه الله nailed it
alhamdulillah wa Tabarakallah.
However he was being kind in the above article, too kind even, to those culprits. It shows his mercy and his concern for the umma, as a scholar but I fear, Allah alim, that this may not have a positive effect on those “cash converters” who are in it just for the hard cold crispy (or perhaps now they want to be paid in bitcoins, considering some have sophisticated fund/money managers working on their behalf). And yes, wait for their “refutations” (I hope not anyway). I would have gone in full blast on those punks.
On the other hand, charity/dawah organisations are also to blame for creating a platform for celebrities and thus the creation of extortionate “professional” fees (and tolerating it). They also need to spruce the image of their “company” in the world of capitalism! (The best firms-dawa organisations- with the elite speakers undoubtedly attract a larger crowd with deeper pockets on those Gala charity fundraising, auction style events). It’s good publicity for them. Splash out on some “halal” musical and comedy sessions too. You will pull in the numbers. But yet some of these organisations don’t have what is referred to in Accounting regulations as “transparency”. Some do not even feel they have a community obligation and responsibility to fully disclose how the public donations are being spent / distributed. Despicable!! I’m not talking about the filing of some tax or other financial returns to the authority but rather disclosing to the very people who donated their hard earned income. And if you’re not obliged by UK law to disclose such information, you should at least be bound by the fundamentals of Islamic principles to do so. How often, I know of donors, who, within their rights, requested a brief breakdown of how their sadaqa, zakah, lump sum are being spent, but they merely get a silent response! That’s Islamically moral? And accountability? That’s how the khilafa under Umar (r.a) was run? But cheekily, albeit unsurprisingly, the following calendar year, the same organisations will call you up to demand more of your hard earned cash! Are you serious?! OK, let’s apply husn atthan. If it’s not feasible & viable to disclose how the community donations are spent, at least be so courteous in disclosing how much was paid towards salaries, fees of those working on behalf of the organisations including admin costs, office rates, overheads etc. It shouldn’t be too hard. You don’t have to run a charity funded organisation in the city of London or in a highly sought after location for instance where rental costs are extortionate. These are sunk costs never to be recovered and which could have been spent more responsibly. Or is it about the image of the dawa “firm” & that’s why the location, office looks are important?
Point being is that due to the contribution and spread of this disease in the community by some dawah/charitable organisations, these lucrative, yet charity firms should also be regulated by a panel of independent, objective, credible, God fearing scholars especially with regards to financial transparency and the nature and validity of their activities.There can perhaps be a cap on how much can be spent/paid to the speakers, depending on the nature of events.
As for the dawasters & wannabe banksters, they should be informed of how much a role or job is worth (a fair and correct quotation here is necessary by the organisations that will cover travel and other justifiable related costs inclusive). If the pound grabbers don’t like it, I suggest they get on the JSA’s register until they find a more legitimate role that will remunerate them based on market rate, and depending on their knowledge, competency, skills and relevant experience (not to exclude professional and educational references from (a) reputable source(s) )!
I’ve had it with these motivational speakers. They are merely that. That’s not dawah to bring people closer to Allah but more like selling of the Deen at the expense of others and ultimately discrediting Islam’s image in such a challenging time. Allah knows best.
It’s quite timely and truly needed in our time of today, where so many are being driven to wanting a luxurious lifestyle and still partaking in Dawah.
I am for moderation and understanding, as well as honouring the Ulama (which shouldn’t lead to extravagant treatment that clouds the hearts and minds).
May Allah safeguard our Iman, and guide our scholars and teachers to the right path
Long ago when I realized how much these so called scholars make I lost interest in listening to them. Specially when you see them constantly on the road traveling all the time from places to place you realize they are doing it for money. They have learned from their brethens the Christian preachers.
Tabligh jamat pay to do dawat…..
It is so unfortunate that even some organisations in the uk have founders, volunteers and prganisers who are the sheikhs students so they make him the fattest monthly pay check anyone has seen. This is some fault of the institutes and the organisers of the institutes as well. The poot students have to pull out thousands to do a course. One course over the years will cost more than ten thousand to do and it is much more worth it to travel for knowledge in holidays for that price.
A jaw-droppin article to say the least, it really pains the heart to see the behaviour of people who have become social media celebrity daees, everyone needs to feed and shelter their family, that’s not the issue, what is the issue is the Israaf involved.
SubhanAllah I could not even read to the end. I am really disgusted.
Islam is a brand for some Daiees to commercialise in the guise of Dahwah. Some of us are willing participants to buy tickets to finance them. Are they trying to emulate the Christian Evangelists with stardom and huge payback?
High time they are exposed.
Salaam Our brother.
Since you opened our eyes on this very sensitive subject, which is lot of us won’t do, I would highly ask to name those individual speakers or imams for few reasons.
1- so many of us will lose the respect we have for the majority of the imams or the speaker, we might generalize this fact.
2- putting their name openly. First, they have the right to explain and protect themselves, and second will be a lesson for them and others no to do it again.
3-this is the most important point I believe that you have missed, those speaker when they come they override
the local speaker and the imams.
Finally someone voiced up, in US almost all these leading shaikh with million fans on FB charging around $4-$5K for a speech …what a shame and this honorarium is other than their travel & lodging reimbursements!!!
Mashallah, I have been waiting for someone to speak about this matter. Name and shame! How dare these so called ‘sheikhs’ take advantage of those seeking closeness to Allah!
Jazakumullahu Khairan, Dr Al-Haddad. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’alaa guide all of those who have lost the philosophy of Dawah.
Alhamdullilah, finally a respected scholar has written about this subject which was long over due.
We have invited Shaik Haitham for talks to the north of England and he has always refused any kind of payment. He eventually, very reluctantly accepted the cost of a basic train ticket. I take my hat off to him hafidhahullah. He leads by example.
We invited a well known speaker from Egypt who regularly appears on [——], who agreed to come to the UK after agreeing his “honorarium” and dates. After we informed him of the flight details, to our astonishment he asked to change the flight class from economy to business class. We couldn’t afford the doubling of the ticket and pleaded him to come as per our original agreement, plus he should have told us of any particular requirement before giving the go ahead to book his ticket after emailing us a copy of his passport. No, as simple as that, he was not coming with the knowledge we would be losing £500. How could this “Shaikh” sleep and have any conscience? Allahi yahdeek!
I have witnessed many examples of these speakers where it is blindly obvious they are in it for the money and money only and Allah knows best.
I firmly believe everything should be transparent, when ever an organisation pays for a speaker, they should make it known to the congregation how much they paid so THEY can decide if their fee/demands are excessive.
Another fitna are brothers trying to get rich working for charities but leave that for another day. Allah protect us all from theses fitan Ameen
“What makes all doctrines plain and clear?
About two hundred pounds a year.
And that which was prov’d true before,
Proves false again? Two hundred more.”
There’s been quite a lot of inflation since Butler’s time, of course.
When money is involved sadly this happens.
Yep, the top guys are making the bucks while the poor miskeen volunteers are encouraged to support the ‘dawah’ fee sabeelilah. More and more people are seeing through the commercialization of dawah and the lack of spirituality it has brought with it. Go back to the masjid time.
I stopped going to special guest taraweeh prayers (fortunately there are some small masajid in our area where I can go to instead) after I learnt that one popular charity gave £8500 to another popular sheikh for the Ramadan tour. I have also heard that next Ramadan tour plans are already being discussed. Wallahu Alam. This seems very much like business to me.
I believe that the charities are to blame as well for offering the temptation of dunya. Remember there is always a collection during the talk! Our charities need to be more Islamic in character. Out of this £8500 I’m sure all or part of it would have been Zakat of hard working people whose trust would have been betrayed. SubhanaAllah. I think before we go to any talk or lectures we should ask if there is a collection. And if there is then it is safe not to attend. We, the Ummah are also to blame for supporting such events. As regards seeking knowledge, Alhamdulillah, there are many avenues open to us by the Grace of Allah.
Alhamdulillah. Finally, someone like Shaykh Dr. Haitham al-Haddad (Hafithahullah) is talking about the comedy, joke and circus that making money out of dawah and the dawah business has become.
There’s no need for anyone of us to listen to, invite or advertise those speakers that charge money or ask/charge a fee to give ‘dawah’, thereby making it their *income* and turning it into a *business*. They all should be ashamed of themselves.
Assalamu alaikum,
I have seen speakers not joining congregational prayers while in masjid and talking away while the prayer is going on as they are travelling. Speakers complained about decent 3 star hotel they were pit in
Jazak Allahu Khayran for exposing such illicit practices. This message should be addressed to all Masajids, their Trustees & Management Committees to watch out for these cowboy preachers. i would even go further to name and shame these fake scholars in public. Ws.
@Muslim brother
Naming and shaming is not really the way to go, this is not from the Sunnah and it lacks hikmah. Discussing these things and making the general population aware of it is a good start. And the ulema are in a position to give naseeha to these individuals as enjoing the good and forbidding the bad part is part of our aqueeda.
وَلۡتَكُن مِّنكُمۡ أُمَّةٌ۬ يَدۡعُونَ إِلَى ٱلۡخَيۡرِ وَيَأۡمُرُونَ بِٱلۡمَعۡرُوفِ وَيَنۡهَوۡنَ عَنِ ٱلۡمُنكَرِۚ وَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمُ ٱلۡمُفۡلِحُونَ
And for us as a community, next time we get a flyer stating a certain Qari is touring, if it is a charity (and many do it) then it is perfectly legitimate to ring the charity and ask regarding what their donation policy is and from where are they funding the tour and what level of accommodation are they providing etc?
Regarding the comment about charities, we have a responsibility to know the donation policy of the charity and the reputation. There are some excellent work being done with 100% donation policy, they get the fundraising revenue from the their shops. We should be savvy as community In’sha’Allah
Bringing subjects like this to the forefront is a great start.
Assalamu alaykum,
The best organisation, that actually pay out of their own pocket for dawah, Tabligh jamaat.
Is there any organisation on the planet where multitudes of people do effort of deen, like they do. They walk from masjid to masjid, elders even in their 70s.
I only have tears for the thought of the dawah they do.
By Allāh, I am speechless.
Yes there is another organisation that gives Dawah on a larger scale than this and it is DawateIslami. 100% Dawah, 100% sincerity, 100% free.
Yes correct. Dawate Islami is a great organisation which is serving ummah for free.
the reason they do not charge is because they dont have knowlege…
Bros, this is not the right time and place to be cheerleading your side…otherwise you are missing the point of the article.
This is a much needed discussion, as mixing spreading the religion of Allah for excessive profit is very dangerous. And as the Shaykh rightly stated, much of the naseeha given in these type of conferences would relate to abstaining from chasing the dunya. So how can a person be engaging in luxuries whilst giving da’wah and tell the masses the opposite?
يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لِمَ تَقُولُونَ مَا لَا تَفۡعَلُونَ ڪَبُرَ مَقۡتًا عِندَ ٱللَّهِ أَن تَقُولُواْ مَا لَا تَفۡعَلُونَ
And the organizations also have a duty to keep things simple and not engage in extravagances. At the end of the day, these organizations often fund raise from the average Muslim, who wouldn’t want his hard earned cash being spent on such luxuries. Or they get grants which should be spent responsibly for the community.
JazakAllahKhair to Shaykh Haitham who brings very relevant subjects to the forefront.
Alhamdulillah long awaited article!
If Islamic organisation and people are going to treat speakers like celebrities then some will behave like some superstars!
I am shocked to read some of the examples listed but relieved that this matter is finally being addressed.
Umm Talha
Jazakallah khairan oh Shaikh.
The solution for this problem is simple.
Name and shame.
Too right! We have gangsters,banksters and now dawasters!!
Jazakallahu Khairan.
This is really a surprise to me. May Allah bless those brothers and sisters who have been in contact with such scholars and dai’ and did not expose their errors to the public. And may Allah guide those scholars and purify our intentions.
if you have not already done so we also need a similar article on islamic charities.
subhanallah there are so many charities taking so much money from the people.
some true stories:
one big charity spent 1million on a music concert with instruments and made another million profit from it.
another mosque in manchester makes 1 million a year donations and spends 250,000 on wages when out of 8 years of running its only offered the 5 daily salah for 1 year. before that it was only offering ramadan and jummuah.
another charity the CEO earns close to 100k
the charities and the muslims donating are in urgent need of guidance form the scholars.
V true bro
Great idea what the islamic perspective is on this.
Jazaak’Allahu khayran for this reminder, something that not only those involved in dawah but everyone can benefit from
jazak Allahu Khair sheikh, someone had to finally speak up on this issue.
There is another related issue of celebrity Dawah which is perhaps equally troubling. Daiees may start watering down any anything deemed negative and espousing popularist slogans to maximise followers or fans. A knock on impact of this gaining trend is that established people of principle feel they too need to mellow down and make dawah on safe subjects only, avoid the numerous red lines from govts and others and be vague when questioned in order to gain acceptance by the people. They don’t want to be seen as traditional, serious and boring and so make their calling closer to entertainment, generic motivation and sweet words. Considering the increasing onslaught on the ummah it’s time for serious daiees to resist these trivial populist approaches and reverse the trend.
Mashaalah. A much needed jolt to those who exploit the Muslim communities chronic need for spiritual guidance.
Organisations themselves should remember that if they have fundraised with a specific intention eg sponsoring orphans, helping the poor and needy, it is not permissible to squander that money on the luxuries of speakers. The organisations themselves have an important role to play.