News News Opinion 4 Min Read

Portland Heroes stabbed whilst defending Muslim girls from Islamophobe

The killer was heard saying: "Muslims should die!" But these non-Muslim men died protecting a Muslim teen from him....

Analysis Current Affairs Islamophobia News Opinion Politics UK 6 Min Read

Is LBC’s firing of Katie enough to combat Nazi ‘Solutions’?

In 1942, a sequence of events eventually culminated in the extermination of nearly 6 million Jewish men, women and children; and it all began with the euphemistically termed “Final Solution” to the Jewish Question. That such inhumanity and manifest evil could be tolerated to occur in the world, with mass

Westminster attack was “revenge against western military action” police reveal

Security services have revealed that the Westminster attacker’s motive was “revenge against western military action against Muslim countries in the Middle East.”

The Times’ failed attack against Mend is good news

Every now and then, a servile Islamophobic journalist whips up a hatchet job so embarrassing that even their newspapers seek to bury it in the middle somewhere or behind a subscription-only paywall so it is only read by their faithful. This is what happened after quite a fruitless 3-month “investigation”

News News News Middle East News Politics News Syria User Generated 0 Min Read

British medic’s amateur footage of SARIN chemical attack in Syria

https://youtu.be/ZTszOjAZNtI Click above to see British doctor Shajul Islam in Syria in the immediate aftermath of Bashar al Assad's recent chemical attack which was followed by the US Air Strike on the Syrian Airbase believed to be used for the chemical attack. Warning: upsetting scenes. Source: www.islam21c.com

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 5 Min Read

Battered Woman Syndrome and the Muslim Conscious

Battered Woman Syndrome describes particular behaviour which manifests after relentless abuse.  The abused begin to believe that they deserve the beating due to not living up to expectations.  There is an inability to place responsibility elsewhere. These symptoms seem to be prevalent in parts of the Muslim community. Muslim communities

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 12 Min Read

Innocent until proven Muslim?

'Innocent until proven guilty', is the principle known as the presumption of innocence.  It is the principle that assumes innocence putting the burden of proof on the accuser.  This principle applies in most countries now, thankfully, including the UK, and was enshrined as a basic human right under article 11 of the

News News News United Kingdom Press Release 3 Min Read

Muslim organisations respond to Westminster attack

Muslim organisations based in London have been among those on the forefront offering condolences to victims and calling for logic and reason to prevail over angry mobs, following yesterday's tragic events. Mend released the following statement: We are shocked and saddened by the act of mindless violence that took place

London Attack – opportunism at its worst

Rolling “mainstream” media coverage has been doing its part to strike fear into the people of London since a crazed man ran over pedestrians in Westminster before stabbing a police officer to death outside Parliament this afternoon. The Met Police confirmed four people dead—including the assailant—and 20 injured. Despite only