Tag: history2016

Current Affairs History Latest News Opinion 13 Min Read

3 March 1924 — The Abolition of the Last Caliphate

Today marks 99 years since the destruction of the Ottoman Caliphate, heralding one of the darkest chapters in history, argues Dilly Hussain.

Current Affairs Featured General History UK 11 Min Read

Australia’s forgotten Islamic roots

Australia Day; a day of progress, a day of fireworks and laser shows, a day of communities gathering, unified in celebration of what makes Australia great – or so they would have us believe. The truth of the matter is that Australia Day marks the anniversary of conquest, slaughter and

Europe Featured History Propagation 20 Min Read

The Lasting Legacy of Islam in Malta

  Many today question whether Islām and Muslims have a place in Europe. Yet not many of us know that Muslims ruled not only Spain but other countries in Europe like Portugal, southern France, parts of Italy, Greece and Albania. Among them was the Mediterranean island of Malta. The Invitation

Featured History Opinion Propagation 11 Min Read

Japan & the Last Caliphate: Dawn of Robotics?

When the Rising Sun met the Crescent Moon The history of robots has its origins in the ancient world. Even as early as the 12th Century, Muslims such as al-Jazari were making significant advances in the field of automata/automations which are self-operating machines, or machines or control mechanisms designed to

Current Affairs Featured History Turkey 15 Min Read

The Remarkable Story of Islamic Turkey

Dr Mohamed Soudan, Foreign Relations Secretary of Egypt's democratically elected Freedom and Justice Party, led by President Mohammad Morsi, and one of five members of the Muslim Brotherhood's Arbitration Committee that arbitrates between members of the MB at all levels of the organisation, discusses the remarkable story of Islamic Turkey.

Featured History Opinion Research 6 Min Read

The Islamic History of the Champions of Europe – Portugal

Portugal was once an Islamic kingdom The Portugal football team were crowned champions of Europe for the first time in their history after overcoming France in the Euro 2016, European Cup. It may come as a surprise to many that much of Portugal once lived under Islamic rule for over 500

Current Affairs Featured History Politics Propagation Turkey 8 Min Read

When Constantinople became Istanbul | A celebration of modern times

There is no comparison between the honour and nobility of Islam conquering nations and the disgrace and degradation left by Crusader and Safavid campaigns. When Islam and peace were spread to all corners of the earth, it struck the finest example of the preservation of Human Rights during both battle

Current Affairs Featured History Opinion Propagation 13 Min Read

The Rise and Fall of Islamic Seville

Seville’s Islāmic Heritage The city of Seville has once again been propelled to our attentions with Sevilla FC recently being crowned champions of the Europa League for a third successive year, this time overcoming an average looking Liverpool team from England. The city of Seville does of course have its

Current Affairs Education Featured History Politics 14 Min Read

Zionist Ideology is the Struggle of Our Generation

As many of you will have seen from recent events, there has been a real aggressive push from the Zionist lobby in aiming to shut down debate of Israel once and for all by seeking to equate anti-Zionism with ant-Semitism. Allegations such as ‘when someone attacks Zionism they are indirectly

Africa Education Europe Featured History 13 Min Read

The History of Muslim Resistance in the West Indies

The recent victory of the West Indies over England in the recent cricket World Cup reminded me of the great struggle that was faced by millions of Muslims, many of whom were likely to be the ancestors of those who heroically defeated this very nation. Their struggle contributed significantly to the