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Current Affairs Featured Politics Propagation UK 14 Min Read

Islam is Not up for Negotiation

The “reform”-deform project has been engaged post-War on Terror on the pretext that, following the doctrine of pre-emption, there is, in the words of Douglas Murray, a “problem with Islam” because a Muslim has behaved in an (ironically, un-Islamic) unsavoury manner.  This logical bent has seen funded voices clamouring to present their unique

Current Affairs Europe Featured Politics UK 10 Min Read

Quilliam Foundation Grilled by MPs

Quilliam Foundation grilled as select committee exposes their extremist links and questions credibility. The video of the hearing can be found here on The notorious Quilliam Foundation (QF) is no stranger to controversy, but Tuesday’s hearing in front of the select committee was more than they bargained for or were accustomed

Featured History Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Propagation 15 Min Read

Secularism: the Caliphate’s Final Blow

Throughout history the disease of nationalism is a consistent cause of the downfall of nations. In a startling display of this Abū Jahl cited that his aversion to becoming a Muslim, despite knowing that the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) was indeed a Prophet, was tribal competitiveness. He says:

Current Affairs Featured Politics Videos 10 Min Read

What do Ayaan Hirsi Ali and ISIS have in common?

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله What do Ayaan Hirsi Ali and ISIS have in common? Another book attacking Islām and Muslims—automatic bestseller Controversial anti-Islām activist and ideologue Ayaan Hirsi Ali has recently been given generous airtime once again promoting her new book, Heretic: Why Islām Needs a