We all say that we want to enter Jannah, however do we genuinely take the steps to attain this honourable state?
Laughing with your friends as you walk back from the night prayer. Looking forward to seeing your wife and then eating the suhūr together. Perhaps letting your mind wander to what you should buy for your children’s Eid presents. Suddenly you see hint of a flame in the distance. Your…
Last week, the world woke up to hear of the death of the well-known inspiration, role model and ‘astronaut’ of an athlete, Muhammad Ali, who passed away just days before the blessed month of Ramadan. The news sirens screamed this breaking news and the internet erupted with chants of ‘Muhammad’…
Deliberation before Condemnation – Part 2 Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 The purpose of this series is one: To illustrate beyond doubt the very sophisticated nature of Takfīr, hoping that it will dissuade those who have been afflicted with such boldness to reconsider their behaviour and to busy themselves with…
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