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Islamic21C Tazkiyah

Stockpile your deeds before the pandemic ends

Before lockdown eases, stockpile these three low-hanging fruits...

Break Your Soul as You Break Your Fast

One of the deeper intents and aims of fasting is for us to learn the art of self-restraint.

One God Many Names | The Journey Begins

Sh Ali Hammuda brings you a unique journey with the Divine Names and their impact in your daily life

The Inner Secrets of Fasting

Know that in the fast is a special quality that is not found in anything else

Advice to Youth in the Public Eye

Too many young and intelligent people are pushed into the public eye before their ideas can fully ripen...

Fasting the Long Summer Days of Ramadān

Worried about fasting this summer? "Allāh has made it incumbent upon Himself that whosoever makes himself thirsty on a hot day, from the days of this life which are extremely hot, it is a right upon Allāh that this person have his thirst quenched on the Day of Resurrection.”

Advice in Light of the Tragic Masjid Shootings

Six pieces of advice from Sh Sajid Umar in light of the mosque attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Doing Business With Allāh

A template for 24/7 'ibadah