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Islamic21C Tazkiyah

Spirituality 12 Min Read

Strengthening our Faith through Tawhid

Living in London, it seems that we are surrounded by people who do not understand our faith. Confused by our surroundings, we must ask ourselves ‘Do we understand our own belief system?’ Our Īmān is not always strong, and sometimes we find ourselves slipping away from the right path through

Ramadan Ramadan-Articles Scripture Seasonal Reminders 10 Min Read

Living in the Shade of the Qur’an

The times we live in at present are indeed very worrying; this worry far surpasses the magnitude of the attacks launched upon the Nation of the Muslims from outside its realms, but indeed her slow and painful emersion into ignorance of the Book of Allah, and a deeper insight into

Spirituality 7 Min Read

Sinning and Hastily Repenting

This article is part of a free translation of al-Iftqar ila Allah, Lubb al-'Ubudiyyah by Ahmad al-Suwayan It follows on from the previous article which details the veneration that believers should have for divine commandments. Committing sins and falling into error is an unavoidable human trait, such that Allāh’s Messenger said, “By the

Spirituality 7 Min Read

Venerating Commandments

This article is part of a free translation of al-Iftqar ila Allah, Lubb al-'Ubudiyyah by Ahmad al-Suwayan Following on from the previous article, this article discusses the dread the believer should feel in relation to his righteous actions being rejected by the Almighty. The purpose of servitude is to submit

Spirituality 9 Min Read

Fearing Allah in Open and Secret

This article is part of a free translation of al-Iftqar ila Allāh, Lubb al-ʿUbudiyyah by Aḥmad al-Suwayan Following on from the previous article, this article the dread the believer should feel in relation to his righteous actions being rejected by the Almighty. Possessing fear of Allāh is one of the

Spirituality 11 Min Read

Dreading Rejection | Part 2

This article is part of a free translation of al-Iftqar ila Allah, Lubb al-'Ubudiyyah by Aḥmad al-Suwayan Following on from Part One, this article is a continuation of our discussion: the apprehension we should have of our actions being accepted by Allāh. The believer credits his blessings and acts of

Spirituality 13 Min Read

Dreading the Rejection of Righteous Actions

This article is part of a free translation of al-Iftqar ila Allah, Lubb al-'Ubudiyyah by Ahmad al-Suwayan Following on from a previous article, this article focuses on the apprehension we should have of our actions being accepted by Allāh. All the while a believer strives to be obedient and continually

Spirituality 9 Min Read

Smiling: The Forgotten Sunnah

A brother once went to see a Sheikh with the intention of censuring him for some of his views. Full of anger, he shouted at the Sheikh, but then quite quickly he begun to calm down and smile. What is it that the Sheikh did to make this brother who

Spirituality 13 Min Read

The Indispensable Need for Allah: Our Basis For Servitude

This article is part of a free translation of al-Iftqar ila Allah, Lubb al-'Ubudiyyah by Ahmad al-Suwayan The condition of being in absolute need of Allah is one of the most essential states of servitude [‘ubudiyyah]. It has been described to be its reality and crux1. Allah says, ‘O mankind!

Spirituality 5 Min Read

Dua: The Weapon of the Believers

Dua: The Weapon of the Believers is an invaluable book (and CD) to have in ones library. This is (to the author's credit) the most comprehensive treatise to have been written on the subject in English in recent times. It is exceptionally lucid and remarkably accessible to the layman without compromising the