Latest Opinion 14 Min Read

Suella, don’t blame ‘political correctness’ for YOUR failures

The Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, claims that grooming gangs are “almost all British Pakistani”; Dr. Salman Butt issues a strong rebuke.

Fact Check News News News Europe News United Kingdom 4 Min Read

“Offenders are most commonly White” – grooming gangs report finally released by Home Office

A report into grooming gangs that was previously kept secret by the government has today been published in a U-turn. And there are some theories as to why it was blocked...

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 14 Min Read

“Grooming” and the Exploiting of Exploitation

Who gets away scot-free when the news cycle and public discourse is dominated by people arguing about race? Those very same individuals and institutions that have been systematically and institutionally failing these young girls for decades...