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News 11 Min Read

Vladimir Putin claims fifth presidential term

Russian war criminal has handed himself another six years in power; how we view this news as Muslims is important.

News 9 Min Read

Libyan minister fired and on the run after secretly meeting Israeli counterpart

The recent confidential meeting between Libya and Israel's foreign ministers is proof of the latter's drive to unite Arab states against Palestine.

News News 4 Min Read

UK Gov Apologises for role in kidnap & torture after six years of denial

After wasting more than £750,000 of tax-payer money defending itself, the UK Government this week finally admitted their complicity in kidnap and torture, and apologised for their “appalling” treatment

Libya News News 3 Min Read

General Haftar seeks to “choke” Derna in his quest to rule Libya

As the ex-CIA asset General Khalifa Haftar, continues his war across Libya, human rights abuses in the eastern city of Derna have been largely ignored by the international media. Derna has been subject to a 21-month long siege by General Haftar’s self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA) which has resulted in

Egypt Iran Middle East News News Politics Qatar 3 Min Read

What is Saudi’s Problem with Qatar?

Following Saudi Arabia and six other countries (Bahrain, Egypt, the Maldives, the United Arab Emirates, Libya and Yemen) severing diplomatic ties with Qatar, Saudi Arabia has issued 10 demands they expect Qatar to comply with. According to Aljazeera journalist Faisal Edroos these demands are as follows: 1 - Immediate severance

Egypt Libya News News Politics 3 Min Read

Egypt’s Coup Regime Wages war on its Neighbours after meeting Trump

After waging war on its own citizens, coup regime authorities have unleashed their air force on numerous targets in Libya in what they claimed are the ‘training camps’ of the bus convoy attackers that killed at least 29 Coptic Christians in Minya province. The Libyan cities of Hun and Derna

Current Affairs Featured History Islamic Thought Opinion 8 Min Read

Last remaining companion of Omar Mukhtar dies at 112

Abdul-Razaq al-Motarabiah Jilkhaf, the last surviving companion of the Libyan resistance leader Omar al-Mukhtar, who fought against Italian fascist colonists, died last Sunday, 26 February 2017 at the age of 112 (rahimahullāh). Omar Mukhtar etched his name in the annals of history when he valiantly defended his people, their property and honour by waging the noble concept of Jihād against the

Africa Current Affairs Libya Politics 5 Min Read

Final touches for a second intervention in Libya?

Are we seeing the final touches for a second military intervention in Libya? ‘Libya’s Dawn’ forces have advanced throughout the country and the Misrata faction, a member of ‘Libya’s Dawn’ coalition has managed to take control of the ‘Barak al Shaati’’ airbase in southern Libya. The same collation has managed to capture