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Islamic Thought Latest 19 Min Read

How can you benefit from the du’ā of the angels?

So often we ask righteous people to make du'ā for us, but there's a bigger avenue that we're not reaping the benefits from: du'ā of the angels.

Unscripted #20 | Shaykh Abu Eesa Niamatullah in da house

Join us this week on our highly anticipated Unscripted podcast #20 with Shaykh Abu Eesa Niamatullah!

Shaykh Khalīl ʿAbdul-Raḥmān al-Qāriʾ: A Qurʾānic Legacy

The amazing story of how a dedicated man from Kashmir caused a revolution in Quran study in the very place it was revealed... rahimahullāh

Current Affairs Education Health Islamic Thought Non-News 14 Min Read

The Muslim minority you never hear about

Bismillāh Alḥamdulillāh Wassalātu Wassalāmu ʿala rasūlillāh, Wa ʿala ālihi wa saḥbihī wa man wāla With deafness being the second largest disability in the UK, it is surprising that the overwhelming majority of the British public do not understand the concept of a Deaf culture. Honestly speaking, the concept seemed quite

Education Featured Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Opinion Propagation UK 9 Min Read

7 Tips to Talking About Sex

Our children are at the cusp of adulthood and it is my turn to inform them concerning the facts of life and all the ways a Muslim adult should think and act in being obedient to Allāh and His Messenger (sall Allahu ʿalayhi wa sallam). Allāh (subhanahu wa taʿala) advised:

The Teaching Revolution

92 years have passed since the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of Modern day Turkey. In a very short space of time Kamal Atatürk, the founding father of modern Turkey, was able to secularise an entire nation. Central to his policies was a drive to so-called ‘modernisation’

Featured Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Propagation Women 31 Min Read

Inspiring advice from the wife of Sh Ibn Uthaymeen

Our Islamic heritage is extraordinary. The scholars and teachers, students and seekers, and dā’īs and activists we have produced have left behind a legacy unmatched by any other academic or philosophical pursuit. It is testament to their commitment to their religion, their particularness with preserving narrations, and their implementation of

To be or not to be: a 21st-century Rabbani

Be among the Rabbāniyīn: An explanation of verse 3:79 in the light of classical exegesis  “… Be you Rabbāniyūn (learned men of religion who practise what they know and teach others), because you are teaching the Book and studying it” In verse 68 of  Sūra Āl ‘Imrān, Allāh (subhānahu wa ta’ālā)