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Current Affairs Featured Middle East Politics Syria 9 Min Read

How I saw the Seashore Child

How I saw the Seashore Child When you saw that Syrian child, an innocent, precious gem, thrown on its face on the shores of Turkey, what did you think? Did you see the child of an unfortunate 'migrant', who had stumbled into the sea on-par a voyage to a 'better', 'more'

Africa Current Affairs Egypt Featured Politics 12 Min Read

Time to Devour the ‘Hero’ they created from a Minion

Click to sign petitions to ban Sisi from entering the UK – Parliament – Avaaz In an Islam21c exclusive, a member of President Morsi's Government, and secretary of Foreign Affairs for the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, Mohamed Soudan gives an inside look into the psychological siege that is constricting Sisi. Time

Featured History Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Propagation 15 Min Read

Secularism: the Caliphate’s Final Blow

Throughout history the disease of nationalism is a consistent cause of the downfall of nations. In a startling display of this Abū Jahl cited that his aversion to becoming a Muslim, despite knowing that the Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) was indeed a Prophet, was tribal competitiveness. He says:

Current Affairs Featured General Islamic Thought Propagation 8 Min Read

Muslim Community: Crisis and Opportunity

The Muslim Community is in a state of emergency, but in it lies our greatest opportunity They say that humanity only really learns the most earnest of lessons in a state of crisis, a state of complete breakdown. Only after facing that breakdown, are we then capable of embracing the

Current Affairs Europe Politics UK 8 Min Read

I refuse to wear a ‘Poppy Hijab’

In the latest attempt at unabashed apologism, some Muslim groups have asked Muslim women to don a ‘Poppy Hijab’ in order to remember the Muslim soldiers that took part in the two world wars. The president of one organisation suggested that these hijabs would  “take attention away from extremists.“ This

Current Affairs Iraq Middle East Politics Syria Videos 16 Min Read

Awkward questions surrounding the ‘war on ISIS’

All praise be to Allāh and peace and blessings be upon His prophet, Muḥammad (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam). The position of mainstream Muslim scholars and intellectuals is under the spotlight and subject to scrutiny now more than ever in the wake of the anti-Islamic and heretic actions of ISIS.