Featured Opinion Propagation Women 16 Min Read

Exploiting Female Islamic Scholars

I have always found it fascinating to read the various pity pieces about Muslim women; how we need saving from hairy chest-and-women-beating Muslim men; how our hijabs should be ripped off by the illuminated hand of enlightenment rationalism; how we must be leveraged out of sadistic servitude-laden homes and thrust

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 22 Min Read

How Islamophobia Will Destroy British Politics

The minor signs have been coming in thick and fast these last few decades and now the Dunya seems about to enter the period of the “rule of fools”. Rasūlulllāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said “Soon the Luka b. Luka will take over this world.” He is also reported

America Current Affairs Featured Opinion Politics US 17 Min Read

War on Terror 2.0 to be “Global War on Islam”

Reality shows are supposed to convey a sense of reality using “real-life” people. The “reality” is, however, that the shows are as real as the statements coming forth from the mouths of politicians. This is the case in a post-modern age when lying has become an unquestioned furniture of an increasingly dire political landscape. As the flurry of well-orchestrated distraction events unfold

Featured Opinion Politics Propagation Women 11 Min Read

The Stupidity of Comparing Hijab to Pole Dancing

The Politics of Hijāb The hijāb is a concept which goes beyond the sublunary. It connects to the spiritual by obliterating worldly expectations in favour of conformity to that which is most pleasing to Allāh, Most High. It is, for many Muslim women, attuned to their faith, a source of

Current Affairs Featured History Opinion 20 Min Read

The Muslim History Behind “Assassin’s Creed”

The Spanish Inquisition The new Assassin's Creed movie is an adaptation of the popular video game. The movie is set in a fictional version of real-world events – the real world events being the Spanish inquisition that followed the end of the Muslim rule of Spain in 1492. The film

Current Affairs Editorials 10 Min Read

Setting the Record Straight – Scandals & Propaganda in 2016

Scroll down to see a timeline of some examples of the media and/or state propaganda last year and Islam21c’s attempt at setting the record straight “The mass media serve as a system for communicating messages and symbols to the general populace. It is their function to amuse, entertain, and inform,

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 12 Min Read

“Real Housewives of ISIS” – Demonisation Dressed as Satire

We are a popular bunch, aren’t we?  Every so often a “documentary”, poll, media debate or op-ed crops up which thrusts some 5% of Britain’s population back in the scrutinising docks where everything, from our revelatory texts and views, to the place where we live and even our emotions are

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 22 Min Read

Summary of Our Legal Case Against Prevent

What follows is a summary and some reflections from the four-day hearing at the High Court for the judicial review into the UK Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It was a great educational experience for me personally, after which I am genuinely optimistic and happy—by the Grace of Allah. There were many

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 8 Min Read

Who is an ‘Extremist’? Landmark case against UK Gov in High Court THIS WEEK

To contact Dr Salman Butt for interviews or further information please email [email protected] The Government’s entire counter-extremism strategy is to be challenged in the courts for the first time this week In this Judicial review case the Court has found that there is an arguable case on behalf of Dr

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 1 Min Read

Islam21c feature on BBC Radio 4 on Terrorism, Extremism and the Law

https://soundcloud.com/islam21c/dr-salman-butt-on-bbc-radio-4-on-terrorism-extremism-and-the-law Islam21c Chief Editor Dr Salman Butt was part of BBC Radio 4’s programme, Law in Action, speaking about the mounting community pressure against the government’s counter-terrorism and counter-‘extremism’ strategy. Also on the programme was the architect of Prevent, former GCHQ director Sir David Omand criticising what Prevent has become,