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Current Affairs Europe Featured Iraq Jihadi John Middle East Politics Syria UK 6 Min Read

What happened to the “beautiful man” that became Jihadi John?

What happened to the “beautiful man” that became Jihadi John? Most humans, irrelevant of race, religion or ideology, would unequivocally condemn the coldblooded murder of innocent people, whether the perpetrator was "Jihadi John", named yesterday by the Washington Post  as Mohammed Emwazi, or the thousands of Iraqis killed in an illegal

Current Affairs Europe Featured Iraq Jihadi John Middle East Politics Syria UK 4 Min Read

Was ‘Jihadi John’ radicalised by UK security services? Was 'Jihadi John' radicalised by UK security services? The last few months have made it more and more difficult for those perpetuating the increasingly marginalised and mocked “conveyor belt theory” . This discredited theory was invented and propagated by those with an ideological animosity for Islam and Muslims, as

Featured Islamophobia Politics 15 Min Read

According to Maajid Nawaz, Islam is the problem

Today, Maajid Nawaz of the Quilliam Foundation posted on social media the following statement:- This pathological jihadist obsession with "the Jooz" in Europe isn't born from lack of religiously justified sanction. Here's an example of a piece of scripture that is problematic: Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be

Current Affairs Europe Featured Islamophobia Politics UK 10 Min Read

The CTS bill is now law, but ‘the battle is not over.’

It must be a sign of the times that as we mark 800 years of Magna Carta we expect a law that will tear it to shreds to pass through parliament largely unscathed. A community campaign was launched to #StopTheBill, a piece of legislation that will have a wide reaching

Current Affairs Europe Featured Politics UK Videos 6 Min Read

How the government makes you a terrorist without ever arresting you

In this piece, Asim Qureshi Research Director at CAGE takes us through how a routine stop under Schedule 7 and its specially engineered questions, can lead to oppressive civil orders leaving the individual having been declared guilty without judicial oversight, left to prove their innocence. Further, concerns about the implementation

A Quick Guide to the Proposed CTS Bill

A Quick Guide to the  Proposed Counter Terrorism & Security Bill - GUIDANCE DOCUMENT taken from the newly launched site The new bill makes the following proposals: 1.    Seizure of passports from persons suspected of involvement in terrorism – The Bill proposes granting powers to police and border

counter terrorism Current Affairs Europe Featured Politics Special UK 17 Min Read

The government’s absurd letter to “The Muslims”

Today those of us who have read Eric Pickles letter to Muslim community leaders and Imāms are reeling in shock as we and our leaders appear to be held collectively responsible for acts of criminality committed by Muslims in France and elsewhere. Mr Pickles says, “Let us assure you that

counter terrorism Current Affairs Europe Politics UK 7 Min Read

#ToddlerTerror: How to Spot a Terrorist Toddler

In a seemingly desperate attempt to flog the dead horse, PREVENT, the Home Secretary Theresa MayCarthy has done something remarkable. Again. Under the proposed new Counter Terrorism and Security (CTS) bill she is trying to get through parliament to get even more powers of arbitrary arrest, detention, passport confiscation and

Current Affairs Europe Politics UK 16 Min Read

MayCarthyism: is Britain becoming a police state?

Mass hysteria has reared its ugly head many times over the course of history. Hitler worked enough people into a frenzy to justify the mass murder of Jews. Nelson Mandela, known by all as peaceful, was unlawfully detained for decades because a few white racists felt threatened by him. You

Current Affairs Europe Politics UK 6 Min Read

Sweden does not need new Terror Laws

Fahad Ansari, Human Rights lawyer and Caseworker for CAGE writes this piece - first published in Sweden's second largest evening newspaper - on CAGE's views on Swedish counter terror policy. With a renowned record for dealing with crime, Fahad questions their intentions to move towards policies similar to those adopted