Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 22 Min Read

How Islamophobia Will Destroy British Politics

The minor signs have been coming in thick and fast these last few decades and now the Dunya seems about to enter the period of the “rule of fools”. Rasūlulllāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said “Soon the Luka b. Luka will take over this world.” He is also reported

Current Affairs Europe Featured Politics Research UK 36 Min Read

Sh Haitham on the Govt’s Embarrassing Muslim Brotherhood Report

All praise be to Allāh and may the peace and blessings be upon his messenger Muḥammad (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam). On the 17th of December 2015, the current UK Government finally announced the findings of the review into the work and activities of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was commissioned

Current Affairs Europe Featured Politics UK 20 Min Read

How many extremists does it take to change a light bulb?

How many extremists does it take to change a light bulb? If the Home Secretary, Theresa May were asked for the punchline, she would struggle, not because she doesn’t possess a sense of humour, I’ve heard she has a cracking sense of humour, but because she isn’t able to clarify

Current Affairs Europe Featured Politics UK 8 Min Read

I was wrong; the government’s definition of ‘Extremism’ is genius

Reflections on yet another Counter-Extremism Strategy – Part 1 The government’s new Counter-Extremism Strategy released in a report yesterday has already provoked a barrage of criticism and ridicule. Again. As expected, numerous rational people have been criticising not only its paradoxical and draconian nature, but the increasingly embarrassing lack of

Campaigns Current Affairs Europe Featured Middle East Palestine Politics UK 11 Min Read

Netanyahu slips through UK border Control

ACTION ALERT: Protest today 9th September outside Downing Street 11am-1pm There has been a lot of rhetoric around the refugees fleeing into Europe recently, with the iconic picture of the drowned Syrian baby prompting even the most hard-hearted politicians and media outlets to water down their anti-“migrant” (read: refugee) rhetoric. Almost everyone

Current Affairs Featured Middle East Politics Syria 9 Min Read

How I saw the Seashore Child

How I saw the Seashore Child When you saw that Syrian child, an innocent, precious gem, thrown on its face on the shores of Turkey, what did you think? Did you see the child of an unfortunate 'migrant', who had stumbled into the sea on-par a voyage to a 'better', 'more'

counter terrorism Current Affairs Europe Featured Politics UK 19 Min Read

Muslims “Quietly condone Terrorism”—a desperate lie

Muslims "Quietly condone Terrorism"—a desperate lie While Muslims around the world have been fasting during the holy month of Ramaḍān, terrorists and politicians have continued in their respective destructive crusades which currently show no sign of abating. Friday saw the deadly destruction of a mosque in Kuwait, the decapitation of

Current Affairs Featured Politics UK 11 Min Read

Post Election Analysis: now the real work starts

Post Election Analysis: now the real work starts England lost, Scotland won Upon seeing the blued England on the election result maps, many have been covering a sense of woe with jokes about moving to Scotland. On first impression it seems like the politics of hysterical terror-alert fears and immigrant-bashing

counter terrorism Current Affairs Europe Politics Special UK 13 Min Read

David Cameron’s outrageous speech reveals much

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95o-EPjSUus#t=12 On 19 December 2014, the Prime Minister of Britain hosted a reception in Downing Street to mark the Jewish festival of Chanukah 2014. It is one of the most stomach-churning speeches you will ever hear and reminiscent of William Gladstone’s views of Catholicism. Shortly after the end of his