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Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 10 Min Read

Islamophobia: The UK’s silent crisis 

As Brexit, antisemitism and knife crime dominate the headlines, Islamophobia in the UK is one issue that goes relatively unnoticed

The BIG Discussion Webinar: General Election 2017 CLICK THE PLAYER ABOVE TO WATCH To vote in the General Election on 8 June, you need to register by 11:59pm on 22 May. You don’t need to register again if you’ve already registered. Click here to register online. Click to view: Source:

St George: more like a “radical Islamist” than an English nationalist!

In a delightful irony, if he were alive today the far right groups in the UK venerating him as a saint would reject him, call him a foreigner, and tell him to go back to his own country...

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 22 Min Read

How Islamophobia Will Destroy British Politics

The minor signs have been coming in thick and fast these last few decades and now the Dunya seems about to enter the period of the “rule of fools”. Rasūlulllāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said “Soon the Luka b. Luka will take over this world.” He is also reported

Current Affairs Featured General Politics UK 11 Min Read

The Brutal Truth About The Assassination of Jo Cox

The shocking and brutal murder of Helen Joanne Cox, a Labour MP, by a neo-Nazi led to an outpouring of grief among the general population last week. People of all faiths and backgrounds paid tribute to the Labour backbencher as she was described by many as a devoted, kind, perfect

Current Affairs Europe Featured Politics UK 12 Min Read

The Killer (not ‘terrorist’) of MP Jo Cox

On the 16th of June, Jo Cox, the Labour MP for Birstall in West Yorkshire, was brutally murdered in her constituency before conducting her weekly surgery. Every testament suggests that she was an honourable politician solely committed to serving her people, and a champion of the rights of the weak