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Big Discussions Current Affairs Featured One-on-One Politics 1 Min Read

Who are the world’s forgotten refugees?

Watch the One-on-One Big Discussion to learn their story

Asia Burma Current Affairs Featured History Opinion Politics 8 Min Read

The Resilient Rohingya: a People Greater than their Crisis

A teacher in a school for Rohingya refugees writes of the children's inspirational resilience due to their īmān. SubhānAllāh...

News News Syria 2 Min Read

Russian Jets Shell Syrian Refugees

Russian fighter jets have targeted a group of refugees, displaced from Syria’s Akirbat District in the eastern suburb of Hama killing seven civilians and injuring a further 20. According to the Akirbat Information Office which is affiliated to the town’s Local Council, Russian aircraft targeted a gathering of displaced civilians

Asia Current Affairs News Opinion Opinion Politics Turkey 14 Min Read

Turkey Ranked Second in the World for Most Humanitarian Aid

The Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2017 reveals that, as well as being the provider of the second largest amount of humanitarian assistance, Turkey provides the most humanitarian assistance as percentage of gross national income...

Hitler isn’t as unique as people pretend

If Hitler were alive today he would be delighted to see how fast and far Europe is progressing down his preferred path. I suspect he would have particularly liked the phrase “multiculturalism has failed”. It might remind him of the time he said “the leader of genius must have the ability

Current Affairs Editorials 8 Min Read

Rising Above Social Issues in 2016

Scroll down for an interactive timeline of articles focusing on some of the important issues affecting society in 2016 The last year we witnessed major historical events both internationally and domestically. This past year at Islam21c we sought to bring information, guidance and solutions to our readership during these tumultuous

How British students saved a Syrian baby

Many of us witnessed and expressed our outrage over the tripling of our university tuition fees. We felt our right to higher education was being taken away from us. We believed opportunity was becoming something solely for those from a privileged background instead of those from an impoverished one. We

Current Affairs Europe Featured Middle East Opinion Palestine Politics Syria UK 6 Min Read

Are Refugees More Welcome in Churches than Mosques?

Refugees welcome here! The Guardian newspaper recently ran a story about the Reverend Sally Smith, a vicar from Stoke-on-Trent, hailing her as a present-day Good Samaritan. The vicar is indeed worthy of such praise as she has wholeheartedly welcomed refugees into her parish and into the Christian community. She has

Migration Myopia

For as long as people have resided on Earth, migration has been a major driver for historical change. Migration towards the ‘developed’ world was a growing trend in the 20th century, and many receiving communities became increasingly alarmed. Then came the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Arab spring, all of which do

Current Affairs Featured Middle East Politics Syria 17 Min Read

Now it’s Syria’s turn for help

{وَالسَّابِقُونَ السَّابِقُونَ {10 {أُولَٰئِكَ الْمُقَرَّبُونَ {11 {فِي جَنَّاتِ النَّعِيمِ {12 {ثُلَّةٌ مِنَ الْأَوَّلِينَ {13 {وَقَلِيلٌ مِنَ الْآخِرِينَ {14 And those foremost will be the foremost . These will be those nearest to Allāh. In the Gardens of delight (Paradise). A multitude of those will be from the first generations . And a few of those