counter terrorism Current Affairs Europe Politics UK 7 Min Read

#ToddlerTerror: How to Spot a Terrorist Toddler

In a seemingly desperate attempt to flog the dead horse, PREVENT, the Home Secretary Theresa MayCarthy has done something remarkable. Again. Under the proposed new Counter Terrorism and Security (CTS) bill she is trying to get through parliament to get even more powers of arbitrary arrest, detention, passport confiscation and

America Christmas Current Affairs Europe Politics Seasonal Reminders UK US 11 Min Read

An Alternative Christmas Message

An Alternative Christmas Message: The ummah's first extradition request Living in the western world, we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking of rights and due process only within the context of an international framework established through key documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Often by doing so,

Current Affairs General Islamic Thought Propagation 13 Min Read

“Terrorists threaten to overthrow Pharaoh!”

Today's Pharaonic labelling system Mūsa (ʿalayhi al-Salām) returns to Egypt from Madyan. Informed by his lord that he has been chosen for a huge mission, Mūsa is set to confront the evil Pharaoh, the man who transgresses all boundaries set by Allāh. His task: to go with his brother Hārūn,

Current Affairs Europe Politics UK 16 Min Read

MayCarthyism: is Britain becoming a police state?

Mass hysteria has reared its ugly head many times over the course of history. Hitler worked enough people into a frenzy to justify the mass murder of Jews. Nelson Mandela, known by all as peaceful, was unlawfully detained for decades because a few white racists felt threatened by him. You

Babar Ahmad Current Affairs Europe Politics Special UK US 7 Min Read

My Son Is Not a Terrorist But He Was Terrorised

This week marked the 11th anniversary of the day that changed our lives forever. On 2 December 2003, my son Babar Ahmad was accused by the Metropolitan Police of being an al-Qaeda terrorist, an allegation made after officers brutally assaulted him and mocked his religion. It took over five years

Current Affairs Europe Politics UK 7 Min Read

Muslim charity’s challenge to the Telegraph

Those with a hatred for Islām and Muslims, driven either ideologically or simply by good old-fashioned bigotry and xenophobia, have all used words like ‘extremism’, ‘radical’ and ‘Islamist’ in order to generate hostility towards normal, mainstream Islamic practices and beliefs. The seasoned Islamophobe Andrew Gilligan’s most recent conspiratorial tirade against

Current Affairs Europe Politics UK 6 Min Read

Sweden does not need new Terror Laws

Fahad Ansari, Human Rights lawyer and Caseworker for CAGE writes this piece - first published in Sweden's second largest evening newspaper - on CAGE's views on Swedish counter terror policy. With a renowned record for dealing with crime, Fahad questions their intentions to move towards policies similar to those adopted

Current Affairs Europe Middle East Politics UK 21 Min Read

Tony Blair declaring war on Islam

Despite the fact that Tony Blair has lost credibility amongst the masses, his Tony Blair Faith Foundation has operations in 30 Middle Eastern and African countries where it exports his thinking and has recently discussed domestic policies which strike a disturbing semblance with existing strategies in place.  As such I

Current Affairs Europe Politics UK 9 Min Read

Islamophobia: European history repeating itself?

Has humanity, and more specifically, the equal, tolerant, humanitarian, and culturally-diverse Europe, already forgotten lessons learnt from a past vastly condemned? There is a foreshadowing attitude and disturbing reflection of practices to a particular global trauma which is emerging from the vile state of mind labelled ‘Islamophobia’. European anti-Semitism ravaged

Current Affairs Politics UK 7 Min Read

Claystone’s report exposes anti-Muslim bias of Charity Commission

London-based think tank, Claystone, released a damning report yesterday exposing the Charity Commission’s apparent bias against Muslim charities. The 34-page report focuses on the period following the appointment of its current controversial right-wing chairman, William Shawcross, in 2012. Shawcross used to be a trustee and director of the infamous Henry