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News 7 Min Read

Dutch Muslims share 1,000 Qur’ān copies after failed burning

Daliel and Waaromislam have responded to hate and division by distributing the Book of Allah in the Netherlands.

News 8 Min Read

Netherlands in rightwing shift after Geert Wilders’ victory

Wednesday's PVV triumph is a rightwing paradigm shift as Dutch Islamophobe Wilders continues coalition talks.

Asia Current Affairs Featured Non-News Opinion Politics Turkey 16 Min Read

Sh Haitham on Turkey’s Referendum Victory

Shaikh Dr Haitham al-Haddad congratulates Turkey on its historic referendum, in spite of the systematic demonisation of Turkey's leadership across the west...

Asia Current Affairs Europe Fact Check Featured News Opinion Politics Turkey 12 Min Read

Today Turkey Votes Yes or No

The run-up to today's referendum has caused the veil to slip from many European states and "journalists" revealing their contempt for Turks and fears of a strong Muslim nation...

The Dutch Elections Show Muslims’ Power

Reflections on the Dutch Elections No one knew exactly what kind of Holland they would wake up to on Thursday morning. But one thing was for sure: it depended on what they did on Wednesday. This was exactly the reaction most young people gave during their interviews right after they

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics Turkey 12 Min Read

Europe’s Problem With Turkey

As if the Netherlands’ juvenile decision to bar Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu from entering the country were not enough of a slump of its boisterous championing of freedom of speech and democracy, it went on to expel Turkey’s Diplomat, Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya back to Germany, declaring the female

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 15 Min Read

Revealed: How British Fearmongers Made Millions

In my last article, I tried to explain the imminent threat populism poses in the western world and asserted that Islamophobia is currently the populist tool of choice. Recent financial revelations in Holland have proven this beyond doubt and provided a strong link to their influence in the UK. Politically-awake

The Western suffering from the denied revelation

I often sit in Islamic lectures and realise the concepts are familiar but the language is not. I do not mean Arabic instead of English rather the starting point for understanding concepts is different. Recently in a seminar on Aqīdah a fundamental question was asked: “What benefits are there to