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Current Affairs Europe Opinion Opinion Politics UK 12 Min Read

London Inferno: A tale of two cities

Laughing with your friends as you walk back from the night prayer. Looking forward to seeing your wife and then eating the suhūr together. Perhaps letting your mind wander to what you should buy for your children’s Eid presents. Suddenly you see hint of a flame in the distance. Your

Trump’s Saudi Adventure: a Lesson from the Sīrah

The spectacle of Trump's visit to "the heart of Islam" reminded Z A Rahman of a particular story from the Prophetic Sīrah...

Current Affairs Europe Featured News News Opinion Opinion Politics UK 5 Min Read

How Big an Impact Does the Muslim Vote Have?

In order to inform such discussions, MEND has done a great service by collecting the following information, which we should all be keen to study and share with our friends and families...

Asia Current Affairs Featured Non-News Opinion Politics Turkey 16 Min Read

Sh Haitham on Turkey’s Referendum Victory

Shaikh Dr Haitham al-Haddad congratulates Turkey on its historic referendum, in spite of the systematic demonisation of Turkey's leadership across the west...

Asia Current Affairs Europe Fact Check Featured News Opinion Politics Turkey 12 Min Read

Today Turkey Votes Yes or No

The run-up to today's referendum has caused the veil to slip from many European states and "journalists" revealing their contempt for Turks and fears of a strong Muslim nation...

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics Turkey 12 Min Read

Europe’s Problem With Turkey

As if the Netherlands’ juvenile decision to bar Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu from entering the country were not enough of a slump of its boisterous championing of freedom of speech and democracy, it went on to expel Turkey’s Diplomat, Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya back to Germany, declaring the female

Current Affairs Europe Featured Opinion Politics UK 15 Min Read

Revealed: How British Fearmongers Made Millions

In my last article, I tried to explain the imminent threat populism poses in the western world and asserted that Islamophobia is currently the populist tool of choice. Recent financial revelations in Holland have proven this beyond doubt and provided a strong link to their influence in the UK. Politically-awake

The Caliphate Chicken & Egg

A chicken and egg paradox has appeared in some minds where one might for example, blame the fall of the last Caliphate for the host of micro problems we suffer from today...

Current Affairs Featured Middle East Opinion Palestine Politics 6 Min Read

Why the world needs to remember Sir Gerald Kaufman

Britain’s oldest serving MP, Labour’s Sir Gerald Kaufman, died last night at the age of 86. Kaufman was distinguished due to the fact that he was both Jewish and an outspoken critic of the criminality of the state of “Israel”. He was born in Britain to Polish Jewish immigrants and

Featured Islamic Thought Latest Islamic Opinion Politics Propagation Women 11 Min Read

The Stupidity of Comparing Hijab to Pole Dancing

The Politics of Hijāb The hijāb is a concept which goes beyond the sublunary. It connects to the spiritual by obliterating worldly expectations in favour of conformity to that which is most pleasing to Allāh, Most High. It is, for many Muslim women, attuned to their faith, a source of